Chapter 44

As Remillia stepped off the portal of Athelyn, she took a deep breath, feeling the familiar salty air fill her lungs. She had been here once, but the the beauty of it still captivates her. She pulled out her phone and dialed Stephen's number, waiting for him to answer.

"Stephen, it's Remillia. I'm back on Athelyn," she said, her voice steady and confident.

Stephen's voice came through the phone, his usual calm tone a bit more elevated this time.

"Remillia, good to hear from you. I wasn't expecting you so soon. What's the plan?"

Remillia smiled, already mentally preparing for the hunt.

"I'm looking for an agent to help me with this hunt. I need someone with carrying my hunt today."

There was a pause on the other end of the line, and Remillia could almost hear Stephen's wheels turning.

"Of course, I'm always available. When do you need me to meet you?"