Chapter 45

Claire was trying to get close to Angela with one reason; to kill her today.

'She's been annoying since the day I met her.'

I got away with threatening the other girls since my family is influential but I couldn't get to threaten Angela due to the fact that her family is much powerful than ours and would immediately kill me if they I knew I threatened to kill her if she wouldn't stay away from Cypher.

But since I've got this amazing power, I'm going to finish her today. I'll disguise it that I miscalculated and thought that she was a wild animal or I could just blame someone.

'Who's next on my list? Hmmm...'

She suddenly remembered the girl who suddenly cut off her conversation with Cypher.

'That b!tch!'

After I take care off Angela, she's next.

"Claire? Claire? You okay?"

"Hmm? Ah yes, I'm fine."

"It looks like your spacing out, maybe you should skip this event for now."