Flux, This is the Norma

As Oxy led Flux into the Norma commune, the virtual event planner couldn't help but gawk at the rustic surroundings. The interior of the house was just as charming as the outside, with cozy, hand-crafted furniture and vibrant stuff adorning the walls. (⌒‿⌒)

"Mom, Dad, I'm home!" Oxy called out, a mischievous grin on his face. "And I brought a friend!" (^ω^)

Flux's heart raced with excitement and nervousness as he heard footsteps approaching. (⌒_⌒;) Suddenly, a warm, motherly voice filled the room. "Oxy, darling! Welcome home!" ヽ(・∀・)ノ

Simply Norma emerged from the kitchen, wiping her hands on a colorful, hand-woven apron. She stopped short when she saw Flux, her eyes widening in surprise. (◎_◎;) "Oh, my! You've brought a guest!" (^○^)

Flux, feeling a bit awkward, waved enthusiastically. (@^▽^@) "Hi, Mrs. Norma! I'm Flux Jasype, Oxy's new friend and collaborator!" ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ

Simply's face broke into a radiant smile. (^▽^) "Well, any friend of Oxy's is a friend of ours! Welcome to our home, Flux!" (⌒▽⌒)

Just then, John Norma entered the room, followed by Hydro and Nitro. Flux's eyes widened as he recognized Hydro from their earlier encounter in the artisanal district. "Hey, I remember you!" Flux exclaimed, pointing at Hydro. "You're the one with the amazing garden! Nova and I met you a while back!" (@°▽°@)

Hydro raised an eyebrow, his expression cool and distant. (¬_¬) "I'm sorry, but I don't recall meeting you before," he said, his voice even and detached.

Flux's grin faltered slightly, but he persisted. "Really? You don't remember? Nova was totally smitten with your gardening skills! And your cool, stoic demeanor!" (^_^;)

A flicker of recognition crossed Hydro's face, but he quickly concealed it behind a mask of indifference. (ー_ー) "Ah, yes. I think I remember now. But that was a long time ago, and I meet a lot of people in the artisanal district."

Nitro, ever the curious one, piped up. "Wow, Oxy! Your friend sure is excitable!" (・o・)

Oxy chuckled, ruffling Nitro's hair. "That's just Flux's natural charm, little bro. He's always this enthusiastic." (^_~)

As the Normas gathered around, eager to learn more about their unusual guest, Flux couldn't help but marvel at the stark contrast between their warm, inviting home and the sleek, high-tech apartments he was used to. (・_・ヾ

As the initial introductions came to a close, Simply Norma clapped her hands together, her eyes sparkling with excitement. (^◇^) "Flux, dear, you must be famished after your journey! Please, join us for a hearty meal. I've prepared a delicious spread using ingredients from our very own garden!"

Flux's stomach rumbled at the mention of food, and he grinned sheepishly. (⌒_⌒;) "That sounds amazing, Mrs. Norma! I can't wait to taste your cooking!"

Simply laughed, patting Flux on the back. "Please, call me Simply! Mrs. Norma makes me sound like an old lady!" (^v^) Flux couldn't help but chuckle at her infectious energy, feeling instantly at ease in her presence.

As the family gathered around the rustic, hand-crafted dining table, Flux couldn't help but notice the absence of the usual high-tech gadgets and appliances he was accustomed to. (・・?) "So, um, do you guys not have a food synthesizer or nutrient dispensers?" he asked, his curiosity getting the better of him.

John Norma, who had been quietly observing the interaction, raised an eyebrow. "No, we don't believe in those newfangled contraptions," he said gruffly, his arms crossed. ( ̄ヘ ̄) "In this family, we value hard work and self-sufficiency. We grow our own food and cook it the old-fashioned way."

Flux's eyes widened in amazement as Simply began to serve the meal, which consisted of fresh, colorful vegetables, aromatic herbs, and a hearty stew that filled the room with its mouthwatering aroma. (@^◇^@) "Wow, this looks incredible! I've never seen food like this before!"

Nitro, who had been quietly analyzing Flux's every move, suddenly piped up. "Interesting. Based on your reaction, I can deduce that you've likely never consumed non-synthesized food before. The statistical probability of someone in the bio-dome having experienced a meal like this is less than 0.01%." ( ̄ー ̄)

Flux blinked, taken aback by the young boy's advanced vocabulary and analytical skills. "Uh, yeah, I guess you're right, little buddy. (@_@) This is all new to me!"

Oxy, sensing Flux's slight discomfort, leaned in and whispered, "Don't mind Nitro. He's a bit of a know-it-all, but he means well." (^_-)

As the meal progressed, Flux found himself increasingly fascinated by the Normas' unique lifestyle. He listened intently as John regaled him with tales of their self-sufficient practices, from energy generation to waste management. (・o・)

"Wow, Mr. Norma, that's really impressive!" Flux exclaimed, his eyes wide with admiration. "I had no idea it was possible to live like this within the bio-dome!"

John, despite his gruff exterior, couldn't help but crack a small smile at Flux's genuine enthusiasm. "Well, it's not easy, but it's a matter of principle for us Normas. We believe in living in harmony with the natural world, not just relying on technology for everything." ( ̄︶ ̄)

Meanwhile, Simply and Flux bonded over their shared love of terrible puns and dad jokes, much to the amusement (and slight annoyance) of the rest of the family. ( ̄▽ ̄)σ

"Hey, Simply, what do you call a fish wearing a bowtie?" Flux asked, barely containing his laughter.

Simply grinned, playing along. "I don't know, Flux. What do you call a fish wearing a bowtie?" (^ω^)

"Sofishticated!" Flux exclaimed, bursting into laughter. ヽ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ

The rest of the family groaned, but couldn't help smiling at the infectious joy radiating from the two pun-loving kindred spirits. ( ̄ω ̄;)

As the evening wore on, Flux found himself feeling more and more at home among the eccentric but loving Norma family. He marveled at their resilience, their ingenuity, and their unshakeable commitment to their values in a world that often prioritized convenience over character. ( ̄^ ̄)

And as he sat there, surrounded by the warmth and laughter of his newfound friends, Flux couldn't help but think that maybe, just maybe, the Normas had something truly special - something that the rest of the bio-dome could learn from. (^◡^)

As the evening wound down and the Norma family began to disperse, Oxy pulled Flux aside, a mischievous glint in his eye. "Hey, buddy, why don't you come check out my room? I've got some designs I want to show you." ( ̄ω ̄)

Flux, eager to see more of his friend's creative genius, readily agreed. "Lead the way, partner!" (^▽^)

As they entered Oxy's room, Flux was immediately struck by the incredible array of handcrafted fashion pieces and sketches that adorned every surface. (@_@) "Wow, Oxy, this is amazing! You're like a fashion wizard or something!"

Oxy grinned, pleased by Flux's enthusiasm. "Thanks, Flux. But there's something else I wanted to talk to you about." (^_-)

Flux tilted his head, curious. "Oh? What's that?" (・・?)

Oxy took a deep breath, his expression growing serious. "Flux, have you noticed anything... different about my family? I mean, compared to the other families in the bio-dome?" ( ̄ー ̄)

Flux thought for a moment, then nodded slowly. "Yeah, now that you mention it, I have. Like, you guys don't seem to use any of the high-tech gadgets or AI assistants that everyone else relies on." (・o・)

Oxy nodded, a small smile playing on his lips. "That's because we don't have them, Flux. None of us do - no AI assistants, no neural chips, nothing." ( ̄▽ ̄)

Flux's eyes widened, his jaw dropping in shock. "What?! But... but how is that possible? How do you guys function without all that technology?" (@o@)

Oxy chuckled, patting his friend on the shoulder. "It's not easy, but we manage. You see, Flux, we Normas believe in the power of human potential. We don't need technology to enhance our abilities - we develop them through hard work, dedication, and a deep connection to the natural world." ( ̄︶ ̄)

Flux sat down heavily on the edge of Oxy's bed, his mind reeling. "That's... that's incredible, Oxy. I had no idea such a thing was even possible within the bio-dome." (@゜▽゜@)

Oxy grinned, his eyes sparkling with pride. "There's a lot about us Normas that most people don't know, Flux. Like the fact that we were all born at home, without any medical intervention or technology." (^ω^)

Flux nearly fell off the bed in surprise. "You were WHAT?!" (@_@;)

Oxy laughed, enjoying his friend's reaction. "Yep, homebirthed and proud! It's just another way we maintain our independence and connection to the natural order of things." ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ

Flux shook his head in wonder, a newfound respect and admiration for the Norma family blossoming in his heart. "Oxy, I gotta say, you and your family are really something else. The things you guys can do without relying on technology... it's mind-blowing." (@°▽°@)

Oxy smiled, draping an arm around Flux's shoulders. "Well, my friend, stick around long enough, and you might just learn a thing or two from us crazy Normas." (^_-)

As the two friends sat there, surrounded by the evidence of Oxy's incredible talent and the weight of the revelations about the Norma family's unique way of life, Flux couldn't help but feel that his world had just gotten a whole lot bigger - and a whole lot more interesting. (^◡^)