Gardening Lesson

Flux practically skipped home, his mind buzzing with excitement about his newfound friendship with Oxy and the incredible revelations about the Norma family. (^▽^) He couldn't wait to share his experiences with his own family, eager to see their reactions to the Normas' unique way of life.

As he burst through the door of his family's sleek, high-tech apartment, Flux called out, "Mom, Dad, Nova! You'll never believe where I've been!" (@°▽°@)

Zephyra and Neon Jasype looked up from their virtual reality pods, their expressions a mix of curiosity and mild annoyance at being interrupted. ( ̄ヘ ̄) Nova, who had been engrossed in her latest fashion hologram, raised an eyebrow at her brother's unusually high level of enthusiasm.

"Alright, Flux, spill the beans," Nova said, crossing her arms. "What's got you so excited?"


Flux grinned, practically bouncing on his feet. "I just spent the evening with the Norma family, and you guys won't believe how amazing they are! (^◇^) They don't use any AI assistants or neural chips, and they were all born at home without any medical technology!"

Zephyra and Neon exchanged a look of shock and slight disapproval. "No AI assistants or neural chips?" Zephyra repeated, her tone skeptical. "How do they even function in today's world?" ( ̄ー ̄)

Neon nodded, his brow furrowed. "And homebirthed? That's so... primitive. Why would anyone choose to live like that?" ( ̄︿ ̄)

Flux's smile faltered slightly at his parents' reactions, but he pressed on. "But that's the thing, Mom and Dad! The Normas are incredible! They have all these amazing skills and abilities that they've developed without relying on technology. It's like they're superhuman or something!" (@_@)

Nova, who had been listening intently, suddenly perked up. "Wait a minute, did you say the Norma family? As in, Hydro Norma?" (・o・)

Flux nodded, grinning. "Yep, that's the one! Oxy is Hydro's brother, and their whole family is just as talented and unique as he is." (^ω^)

Nova's eyes widened, and she grabbed Flux by the shoulders, shaking him slightly. "You met Hydro's family?! Oh my gosh, Flux, you have to tell me everything! What's their house like? What did you talk about? Did Hydro mention me at all?" (@^▽^@)

Flux laughed, prying himself loose from Nova's grip. "Whoa, easy there, sis! (^▽^;) Yeah, I met Hydro, but he didn't really say much. He's kind of a cool, stoic type, you know?"

Nova sighed dreamily, clasping her hands together. "I know, isn't he just dreamy? ( ̄▽ ̄) I can't believe you got to meet his family and I didn't! It's so not fair!" (>﹏<)

Zephyra and Neon exchanged another look, this time of mild concern. "Now, Nova, I'm not sure it's a good idea to get too involved with the Normas," Zephyra cautioned. "They seem like a bit of an odd bunch, and their lifestyle is just so... unconventional." ( ̄ヘ ̄)

Nova rolled her eyes, pouting. "Ugh, you just don't understand, Mom! The Normas are special, and Hydro is the most special of them all! ( ̄3 ̄) Flux, you have to take me with you the next time you visit them!"

Flux grinned, throwing an arm around his sister's shoulders. "You got it, sis! I'm sure Oxy would love to meet you, and maybe we can even get Hydro to crack a smile!" (^▽^)

As the Jasype siblings laughed and plotted their next move, Zephyra and Neon couldn't help but feel a mix of amusement and apprehension. The Normas were certainly an intriguing bunch, but their way of life was so far removed from everything the Jasypes knew and understood.

The next day, Flux and Nova set out for the artisanal district, eager to visit Oxy's shop and hopefully catch a glimpse of the elusive Hydro. Flux, with his vibrant green hair and standing at a respectable 176 cm, had to slow his pace to match his sister's shorter strides. Nova, her pink hair bobbing with each step, barely reached 150 cm, but her determination to see Hydro again more than made up for her lack of height. (^▽^)

As they approached Oxy's shop, Flux couldn't help but chuckle at Nova's obvious excitement. "Easy there, sis. Don't forget to breathe!" (^▽^)

Nova shot her brother a look, her tanned cheeks flushed with anticipation. "Oh, hush! You know how important this is to me!" ( ̄3 ̄)

The moment they stepped inside the shop, Oxy looked up from his workbench, a grin spreading across his handsome face. "Well, well, well, if it isn't my favorite green-haired buddy! (^ω^) And who's this lovely lady you've brought with you?"

Flux laughed, draping an arm around Nova's shoulders. "Oxy, meet my sister, Nova. She's been dying to meet you and your family, especially a certain stoic brother of yours." (^_-)

Nova blushed, elbowing Flux in the ribs. "Flux! (>﹏<) Don't listen to him, Oxy. I'm just a big fan of your work and wanted to see your shop for myself."

Oxy chuckled, stepping out from behind the workbench and taking Nova's hand, placing a gentle kiss on her knuckles. "Enchanted to meet you, Nova. Any sister of Flux's is a friend of mine." ( ̄ω ̄)

Nova giggled, her blush deepening. "Oh, my! You're quite the charmer, aren't you?" (^▽^)

Flux rolled his eyes, amused by his sister's reaction. "Careful, Oxy. Nova's heart belongs to another Norma, if you catch my drift." (¬‿¬ )

Oxy raised an eyebrow, a mischievous glint in his eye. "Oh, really? And who might that be?" (・∀・)

Nova fidgeted, her pink hair falling into her face. "Well, um, I may have a tiny crush on your brother, Hydro. (>﹏<) But don't tell him I said that!"

Oxy's grin widened, and he clapped his hands together in delight. "Hydro, you say? Oh, this is too perfect! (^◇^) My dear Nova, you've come to the right place. If anyone can help you win over my stoic brother's heart, it's yours truly."

Flux laughed, shaking his head. "Oh, man. Hydro's not gonna know what hit him. (^▽^)"

Just then, the shop door opened, and in walked Hydro himself, his blond hair tousled and his green eyes widening in surprise at the sight of Flux and Nova. "What's going on here?" he asked, his voice cool and even. (¬_¬)

Oxy draped an arm around Nova's shoulders, winking at his brother. "Oh, nothing much. Just getting acquainted with your biggest fan, that's all." (^ω^)

Hydro's gaze shifted to Nova, who was now blushing furiously, her tanned skin practically glowing with embarrassment. "I see," he said, his expression unreadable. ( ̄ー ̄)

Flux, sensing the tension in the room, decided to break the ice. "Hey, Hydro! Nova was just telling us how much she admires your gardening skills. Maybe you could give her a few pointers sometime?" (^▽^)

Hydro raised an eyebrow, looking from Flux to Nova and back again. "I suppose I could, if she's interested." (¬_¬)

Nova nodded frantically, her pink hair bouncing. "Oh, yes, please! I'd love to learn from you, Hydro!" (@^▽^@)

Oxy grinned, rubbing his hands together. "Then it's settled! Hydro, you'll give Nova a private gardening lesson, and I'll make sure she looks absolutely stunning for the occasion. ( ̄ω ̄) It'll be a date to remember!"

Hydro sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "It's not a date, Oxy. It's a gardening lesson." ( ̄ヘ ̄)

But Oxy was already ushering Nova towards his design studio, chattering excitedly about all the fabulous outfits he had in mind for her. Flux, meanwhile, shot Hydro a sympathetic look. "Sorry about that, buddy. Once Oxy gets an idea in his head, there's no stopping him." (^▽^;)

Hydro shook his head, a tiny smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. "I'm beginning to see that. ( ̄ω ̄) Well, I suppose I'd better prepare for this... gardening lesson."

As Hydro walked away, Flux couldn't help but chuckle to himself. With Oxy playing matchmaker and Nova's determination to win Hydro's heart, things were about to get a whole lot more interesting in the Norma household. (^◡^)