They all took Dixie up on her offer, choosing to get some sleep. By the looks of it, Dixie was used to going nights without rest, so they trusted her. While they slept Dixie looked around, having a gut feeling they wouldn't be safe for much longer. After a few hours, the sun was barely beginning to rise when Dixie stood up, firing her shotgun at a creature. The group woke up startled by the sound of the shot.
"Great y'all are up, grab anythin' ya need and let's get movin' ghouls found us." Dixie explained as she slung a bag over her shoulder.
The group grabbed their things without a second thought, and followed Dixie. They didn't know what a ghoul was, but they knew they would rather take their chances with Dixie than find out. Dixie led them further into the asylum, and the longer they walked, the more Jake seemed to grow anxious. And soon he stopped walking all together, causing the group to turn and look at him.
"What's wrong Jake?" Leo asked.
"I don't know about you guys but I don't trust this crazy cowgirl." Jake said.
"Why not?" Chase asked confused.
"She's supposed to get us out of here, not lead us deeper into this place!" Jake shouted.
The group frowned and turned to look at Dixie, "Are you really leading us deeper?" Riley asked.
Dixie sighed and tipped her cowgirl hat back, and responded with a simple. "Yup."
"Why?" Stacey asked.
"Look, if y'all want out of here you'll stop askin' questions." Dixie said.
"No answer us, why are you taking us deeper?" Ralph asked.
Dixie groaned, "Fine I'll answer but talk and walk, I won't save y'all from the ghouls if you wait here any longer." she said as she started walking away. The group started following her again, as she explained. "There's a way out deeper in the buildin', it's the safest way out."
"How is it safer, from deeper inside the building?" Jake asked.
"The monsters like to stay near the front during the day, towards the entrance, makes it easier for 'em to pray on deer, and unsuspectin' homeless people. And dumb teenagers such as y'all." Dixie explained, and the group grew silent, her words did make sense. "However, come nightfall, the beasts move deeper to rest."
A few were offended by being called dumb, but they brushed it off. What reason did they have to distrust Dixie. So far she has saved them twice now, and was trying to help them, while keeping them safe.
"So then we have til nightfall to get out of here?" Megan asked.
"Bingo, glad my words ain't fallin' on deaf ears." Dixie said, with a slight roll of her eyes.
Draya didn't much trust Dixie, but she didn't have much of a choice either. They were being chased by monsters one way, and if they went deeper there was sure to be more monsters. But their chances did seem better with the cowgirl, seeing as she had a shotgun and other forms of a weapon. It was better than dying to those creatures, surely Dixie knew what she was doing. Right? After a while Dixie stopped, the group assuming they were in a safe location and taking a break.
"I would like to do a headcount." She said.
The group all nodded, while Stacey stepped forward. "I came here with Ralph, Leo, Chrissy, Riley, and Gwen." She said pointing to each of them.
"While me Draya, Chase, and Megan came here mostly on our own." Jake chimed in.
Dixie nodded counting the group, "So there should be 10 of us at all times, includin' myself." she said.
The group nodded, keeping her words in mind. There should be 10, any more and something was wrong. With that, Dixie continued walking leading them deeper and deeper. Walking for hours, until finally it was dark. A low howl echoed through the hallways, causing chills to run down Chase's spine. He remembered that howl all too well...
"Guys..." Chase said softly.
He didn't have to say anything else, the group already knew what had made that howl. A lost soul. Dixie however, seemed unfazed. Shouldn't she be worried, or even scared? Instead she... smiled? She cocked her gun, and howled back. Giving away the groups location.
"Are you one of them!?" Jake shouted.
But Dixie ignored him, Jake didn't trust her anymore. She had howled and gave away their location. While Chase on the other hand, was taking the time to study her. Just as Jake was about to swing on Dixie, Chase stopped him.
"Wait!" Chase shouted.
Jake growled, "Chase move! She's one of those things!" he shouted.
"No she's not! Look at her eyes, they don't glow like the others." Chase argued.
"Oh so just because her eyes don't glow she's human. Right?" Jake snapped.
"Yes!" Chase shouted.
The shot echoed through the halls, silencing the group. Just as a Lost soul had rounded the corner, Dixie fired a shot. Hitting the wolf like beast square in the shoulder. She looked overjoyed, like she was excited.
"Shooting it won't kill it!" Chase shouted at her.
She simply giggled and reloaded her gun, "Oh trust me, I know." her words were almost sinister. She was sick, crazy, or insane. But they didn't have time to truly think, as Dixie fired another shot. "Get y'alls asses out of here. Keep runnin' til ya get to the old cafeteria, there's a fire escape in there. Take the door in the back right corner, and wait for me outside." She ordered.
The group nodded following her order and running the direction she had told them, without a second thought. They kept running, no thoughts on stopping. Even Christine managed to keep up, despite her heels. When they finally made it to the cafeteria they found the door Dixie had told them about, however it was barricaded.
"It's barricaded!" Jake shouted as he ran into the wall, unable to stop himself fast enough, as he shows had no traction. "ow.." he grumbled.
Some laughed at him, while Leo scanned the room. That's when he saw her, a little girl sitting in the corner. Playing with a stuffed dog, she looked innocent enough, but what was a child doing here? All he could truly see was the outline of her. Her long black hair cascading down her back. Something was strange about her, she almost appeared transparent.