
Leo frowned and looked at the girl, "How do you even know?" he asked.

"I can sense it." Madelyn snapped. "Now save miss Dixie!" She ordered.

Leo sighed and moved over to Dixie, taking her from Chasing. Placing a shaky hand on her shirt, he gently lifted her black tank top. Exposing the gash in her side, it was sickening. He almost gagged at the sight, while Jake physically vomited. The gash was so deep, he could physically see her organs. Her lung partially visible, her kidney hanging halfway out. While her stomach almost appeared to be ripped out, her heart barely beating. Her muscles torn through, along with a ripped artery. That explained all the blood, but it was still a gruesome sight. 

Her liver, hanging from the cavity, hanging on by a thread. There was no way they could save her. He knew he had done wrong by moving her, but at the time he didn't have a choice. He wasn't going to just leave her there. She was going to die before he could even thank her. However, he was quickly pulled from his thoughts as he heard the echoey scream of the Lunarion.

"Can that thing get to us in here?" Leo asked panicked.

Simon shook his head, "No, me and Dixie used to hide here all the time. The only way in is the vents." he said.

"What was this room made for, I've never seen it before." Jake said looking around, trying to focus on anything but Dixie.

"Some super super insane person. I think the patient file is around here somewhere. me and Dixie used to take the files and go through them. We stashed a bunch here." Simon said as he pulled a homemade cedar chest out from under the cot in the corner. 

"You call Dixie your friend, but look and talk about her as if she's more." Leo commented as he took off his shirt placing it to Dixie's wound.

Simon however blushed darkly, "Shut up!" he shouted embarrassed. 

Leo smirked, while muttering to himself. Before he took a deep breath and laid Dixie on the ground. "Goddess Valissa I ask you to grant me your power." He muttered, he had no idea what he was doing.

He was going off a limb here, just guessing what to say. For a moment he almost gave up, before a loud ringing filled his ears. His hands began to glow a bright gold, as Valissa placed her hands over his. 

"Place them over her wounds." Valissa instructed.

Leo did as he was told, watching as the golden glow seeped from his fingertips. It was a warm feeling, like being hugged in a cold winter breeze. He watched in awe as the gash in Dixie's side slowly started to heal. The color returning to her face, before he could fully process it Valissa was gone. He looked down at Dixie as the ringing in his ears slowly began to dissipate. And after a moment she gasped for air and began coughing, while Simon and Madalyn rushed to her side.

Simon glanced up at Leo, a silent thank you in his eyes. Leo nodded, although he felt light headed. Was that truly the power of a goddess? He looked down at his shaky hands, the strange golden glow had disappeared. He let out a deep shaky breath before looking up, all of his friends were staring at him. Some were shocked, while Megan and Chase seemed terrified. 

"What. The. Fuck?" Chase muttered out.

"What the hell was that!?" Megan screamed, backing away from Leo.

"I-" Leo started before Simon cut him off.

"He saved Dixie's life!" Simon shouted.

Dixie looked up at Leo, confusion written all over her face. "Why?" Was all she could mutter out.

Leo took a moment to think about how to phrase his words. "You saved us first... I was just repaying the favor." He said softly.

Dixie was silent for a moment, before sitting up. She glanced down at her stomach, were the gash was moments prior. Her skin still drenched in blood, but there were no scars. Not even a single scratch. The only evidence was the blood coating her skin, and soaking her clothes. 

"So Valissa, huh?" She asked, her southern accent thick in her lips.

Leo nodded, "I don't fully understand it..." he whispered.

"You must be truly brave then, kid." Dixie said with a slight smirk. "If she chose you then you surely are truly special." She said softly.

Leo looked at her confused, before speaking. "Goddess of the wild and brave, right?" He asked, with a tilt of his head.

"She sure is." Dixie said, before grabbing her hat and placing it on her head. 

Leo was confused, had Dixie met the goddess before? He took a deep breath, he figured it wouldn't hurt to ask. Right?

"Hey Dixie.." Leo asked, his voice soft and hesitant.

Dixie looked up, looking at the male. She finally had a moment of calm, giving her the perfect chance to take a good look at the teenager. He was tall, that she could see. She was tall herself, 6 foot even. But Leo, he was a few inches taller, about 9 or 8 to be exact. If she had to guess she'd say he was around 6 foot 8 inches. Or taller? His long shaggy brown hair, it was clear he dyed it often. Currently dyed a shade of wine red, she scoffed. He was a pretty boy that was for sure, and those blue eyes... she found herself lost in them. It was as if she were staring into the ocean. 

She frowned slightly, they were so... dull. So very dull for a teenager, she had assumed he was only 18, but was he older? He was muscular, she could see that, even through his dirty muddy clothes. But there was a look in those dull blue ocean eyes, one she couldn't place. Guilt? No, maybe anger? No, no. Not anger, she frowned looking closer. Sorrow, regret, pain, sadness, and was that hatred she saw. She frowned her eyes beginning to wonder, she could see a few scars peeking out... here and there. 

"Dixie?" Leo asked snapping his fingers in her face.

She flinched and quickly shook her head, had she truly zoned out like that? She glanced at the Christine, she looked jealous. She had figured as much, she assumed she was the girlfriend.

"Sorry suga' got lost in thought for a moment." Dixie said clearing her throat.

"Yea, lost staring at him.." Christine muttered.

Dixie sighed, she hadn't meant to stare. "Apologies, but I never meant to stare. I have no interest in teenage boys." She said with a roll of her eyes. "I haven't fully had the chance to get a good look at all of you." She said, hoping it justified her staring.

Leo sighed, "It's fine, but I have a question for you. If you don't mind?" he said.

Dixie nodded, "Ask away." she said softly. 

Leo took a deep breath, stealing himself for what he was about to ask. "Earlier when I had asked you about Valissa, you seemed as if you knew her. Like you had met her before?"