Chapter 24: A Tomboy and A Demure Lady.

"As you all know this is a festival week and the time you've all been waiting for. I want to inform you all that the rest of lectures scheduled for this week have been suspended temporarily. So let's meet next week,"Mizi Yue announced .

As expected everyone left with a smiling face. Wen Mingye deliberately delayed leaving the hall. He was busy scribbling some notes. Deep inside he had a burning desire of speaking to Mizi Yue but his overbearing ego suddenly made him hold back. Mizi Yue packed up while stealing a few glances at Wen Mingye. All of a sudden Wen Mingye stood up and walked to the front. Mizi Yue watched him anticipating him to walk up to him but to his utmost disappointment and shock,Wen Mingye walked out without even casting a respectful glance at him.