Chapter 40: The Jinxiu Family's Second Misfortune.

"Mother,what is going on?"Wen Mingye asked feigning innocence.

"Where were you last night?"Wen Xiang asked in a sharp voice.

Wen Mingye chuckled nervously,"I was at the dance house."

"What were you doing there?"Empress Bai intervened curiously.

"Mother didn't you say I should make new friends? That's where most young men of my age hang out and that's also where Shan made a lot of friends,"Wen Mingye answered eloquently.

"If you're going to make friends then why don't you carry Xue Yao along?"

"Those friends of my mine also don't bring their attendants along. Moreover you also don't walk around with your maid,"Wen Mingye suddenly turned the tables towards his sister who was left with nothing to say in her defense.

"Enough of your bickering. It's no big deal leaving your attendant whenever you like,"Empress Bai said dismissing them so she could resume her business.