Chapter 41: The Injured Hero.

Among those who visited the Tranquil Blossom Pavilion Wen Mingye and Wen Xiang were among them.They particularly visited Jinxiu Zhi. Jinxiu Zhi was seated in her room with a pensive look but immediately she saw the two royal siblings entering the room her lips curved into a gentle smile but her eyes remained mirthless. As Wen Xiang embraced her ,Wen Mingye was left stranded not sure whether he should embrace her the same way.

"Brother Mingye how are you doing?"Jinxiu Zhi smiled gently as she let go of Wen Xiang.

"I'm fine,"he smiled back in relief. Without further ado,they revealed what they had brought her.

They had brought her dresses,hair ornaments,beauty creams and powders . Wen Mingye even brought her apples to cheer her up.