Chapter 14: Barracks

My expression lit up with a big smile of satisfaction the moment my eyes found the system prompt in front of me.

I couldn't help but wonder if the system's ultimate goal was to send me on a conquering expedition in this desolate, post-apocalyptic planet, or to guide me toward creating a safe haven to protect mankind from danger.

I felt a carefree acceptance of fate as I thought about the uncertain road ahead. "Whatever," I thought, with a lighthearted sparkle in my eye, "I am ready to welcome whatever twists and turns fate has in store for me."

I continued staring at the system prompt.

Ding! System Upgrade Completed…

Congratulations for unlocking the barracks of Doom!

Barracks of Doom lvl 1.


Death Soldiers - 0/100


Create Soldier: 2.3k/20 Vilumes. ]


"Let's welcome the new members of our family!" I roared, "KAKAKAKAKAKKA!" A histerical laughter escaped from my mouth.

My six companions looked at me with curiosity and pure confusion. 

'System, create 100 Death Soldiers.' I ordered.

From the little barracks came soldiers, or rather, zombie men, clad in hooded armor that seemed to have the uncanny capacity to suck every ray of light with its dark, inky hues, casting a sinister shadow over everything in its path.

They lined up in ten rows in front of me, standing in perfect position and then dropping themselves to their knees with grace. Their overpowering atmosphere held a tremendous pressure, almost like the icy presence one could identify with death's inevitable outcome.

A sinister smirk undoubtedly appeared on my usually stoic face, 'I'm more inclined to believe that the system is making me rule over the vast wasteland of the apocalypse with power rather than saving those untrustworthy men out there…'

Standing with an air of power in front of me was a figure that wasn't just any old guy, but an undead one. His armor, which stood out from the rest due to its remarkably detailed design, drew my attention. Rather of the typical sword, he was using a spear, which was an extremely accurate weapon. There was a somber reverence for him in the air as he knelt, signaling to the men his assumed command.

"The Azazechs honor the Lord!"With a booming growl, the guy commanded respect and obedience from everyone in front of him, his physique projecting an intimidating aura that reverberated throughout the stronghold.

Vin directed a ferocious glare at the man in front of us, while the group behind me remained in startled silence, their features showing a mix of confused amazement. I was thinking to myself, "Haiyaaa, what a combat addict!"' as I started to get irritated.

Snapping my fingers, the soldiers stood up from the ground; at the same time my companions were finally back to their senses.

"Oh, is this the new members of our 'family'?" Noah was the first to react. 

"Yeah, doesn't they look similar to you?" I said as I eyed Noah's appearance from head to toe.

"Clear up all the zombies and beasts lurking within the perimeter," I sternly commanded, fixing my gaze upon the figure who appeared to be the commanding officer of the Azazechs, compelling them to act decisively to secure our safety.

"From now own you shall be called….. Azarick!" I named the commanding officer. Although I couldn't his face through the helmet, if he ever has one, I could feel him being happy with the name.

"Yes, my lord!" Azarick swiftly lead all the soldiers towards the gate as they marched forward in perfect coordination.

It was already night time, "aight, that's it for today. Let's rest up," The dumbfounded members of the stronghold woke up from their stupor, menacing smiles could faintly be seen from their dark hoods.

Haiyaa, it looks like I'm building a cult rather than a domain….


Waking up, I walked towards the front yard like I always do to see if the others were awake.

Surprisingly, the Azazechs army appears to be kneeling there for who knows how long, waiting for me.

"My lord!" Azarick cried out, his voice exploding with delight as he related the successful hunt they had. "We plowed through a massive 5 km radius surrounding the base, catching every organism that came our way. Not only did we manage to obtain an incredible haul of 13,000 Z-crystals, but our hard work paid off as 340 Z-crystals came from Tier 2 creatures and 19 Z-crystals from the terrifying Tier 3 creatures."

"Good Job!" 

"Now, train with the other 6 members of our 'family'" I ordered.

The soldiers of Azazechs remained kneeling as Azarick headed towards the backyard, where everyone is currently training on their own.

I assume that Azarick is a Stage 4 powerhouse, similar to Vin. Fortunately, I didn't laze out last night, I managed to enter stage 5, 2 months after the apocalypse descended!

'Ah, I forgot about these…' I looked at the Z-crystals piling up a small mountain on the ground.

"Gather at the front yard!" My roar resounded throughout the stronghold.

Soon, seven figures appeared before me, lead by Yuno and Azarick.

As if knowing my intentions, Azarick quickly backed out, "My lord, our strength grows from killing, please do not waste such precious resources on me." 

"Alright, the six of you could begin absorbing these, the fastest will naturally get the most." I didn't ration it out nor did I divide the portions.

Everyone is now left on their own to absorb these resources, slacking off equates to less portion.

Azarick and I on the other hand sits down below a tree, its shade protecting us from the blazing sun hanging above the sky.

It's truly been a while that I get to relax like this.

'System, how do I upgrade the barracks?'

Seeing its performance and strength, I naturally wanted to see what a level 2 barracks could offer me.

End of Chapter 14 



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