Part 9

Grey was silent about it. "See?" Wilson said making Grey refocus on his father and forced a smile.

"You still remember her until now. You also tried hard to look for her, but you didn't find her until now. Don't make that girl an escape, okay? You have to really love her. Just forget about that little girl. Okay?"

Grey's smile faded at Wilson's words. Grey clenched his hands into fists. No, he didn't. He would not be able to forget that little girl. However, not wanting to prolong the matter, Grey said yes.

"Okay. I won't try to find her. It's just like you said, Father. The family that took her has completely shut down all the information. I'll focus on Athena, my wife, now," Grey said, which of course was a lie.

Grey would not stop looking for the girl. Grey and Athena were just pretending. Grey could hear his father's sigh of relief. Grey knew that, apart from his father wanting Grey to have a girlfriend, Wilson wanted Grey to forget about that little girl. Wilson didn't want Grey to keep looking for that girl and start a new life.

The little girl named Athena. That girl was really precious. That name was the only name that kept coming to Grey's mind until he gave the name Athena also to the woman who saved him.

"Thank goodness. I'm glad to hear that. But, what about Robert's men?"

"He was interrogated, tortured, but he still wouldn't open his mouth. He wouldn't tell me about Robert's plan. It's been two days. I thought there was no point, he wouldn't talk."

"That's it. Kill him. Don't let him bother your wife."

"Okay. I'll do it, Dad."

"That's it. I'll hang up first. I have a meeting. Take care of your health."

Gray smiled. Although Wilson pretended not to care about him, Wilson really loved and worried about him. Gray really loved his father.

"Yes, Father. You too."


Then, the phone call was disconnected. Shortly, Ocean—Grey's personal assistant—entered. "Sir, James still refuses to say—"

"Just kill him."

Ocean frowned. "Kill him? Now? Still not willing to try to get him to say everything, Sir?"

"No need. He won't say it. It's been two days since he was forced, our torture is also heavy. She's strong enough. Waste of time. Just kill him."

"Okay, Sir," Ocean said obediently.

Ocean then turned around, want to meet James to kill him.

"Wait." But, Grey suddenly called out. Ocean immediately turned his body around.

"Yes, Sir?"

Grey did not answer immediately. Grey put on a thinking face, before suddenly smiling. "No need for you to kill, I'll have someone else do it as well as shooting practice. Take James to the shooting range and Athena too."


"Hm. Hurry up."

Ocean was confused as to what Grey was going to do, but he chose to do as his superior said and nodded. "Yes, Sir."

After that Ocean left there and Grey smiled. "Okay. Today it's time to teach people to shoot." Then, Grey immediately walked towards the shooting range.


"Hey, Crazy! What exactly do you want?! Why did you ask me to come here?"

Grey turned his head to look at Athena who had just arrived. Grey smiled, then he immediately pointed at James who was in front of him, already in a kneeling position, his hands and feet tied and his eyes covered with a cloth. Athena who saw James was shocked. The state of James' body had many wounds everywhere.


"You still remember him, right? The man who held you hostage back then?"

"Yes. Then, why is he here?"

"For you."

"For me?"

"Yes. You have to practice shooting and your target is..." Grey pointed at James. "Him."



"Athena? Athena?"

Noah frowned when he didn't find Athena in his room.


Noah turned his head when his name was called, it was one of the servants Noah had asked to look after Athena while he was away today. Her name was Karin. Karin was surprised to see Noah here.

"Gosh, are you really Mr. Noah? Shouldn't you be going to the hospital for work?"

"Ah, yes. I forgot something, so I came back. Before I really left I wanted to see Athena, but Athena wasn't in her room. Is she in the garden or walking around to get rid of boredom?" Noah asked.

Noah saw the change in Karin's face. Karin looked worried and confused about what to answer, which made Noah anxious. "Karin, what's wrong? Everything's fine, right?"

"I-it's... Actually, Miss Athena, she..." Karin bit her lip, at a loss for an answer.

"Answer Karin, what's wrong with Athena?" urged the increasingly anxious Noah.

"M—Miss Athena was brought by Mr. Grey. He said Mr. Grey wanted to teach her to shoot. However, from what I heard, Mr. Grey brought James there as well. I heard that Mr. Grey will train Miss Athena to shoot with James as the target."



"Just a moment. You're not joking, right? You want me to shoot that guy?" asked Athena with a look that turned into panic.

However, in stark contrast to Athena's reaction, Grey nodded casually. Athena hurriedly shook her head. "No! I don't want to! Are you crazy?!" said Athena immediately.

"Hm. I'm crazy," Grey replied without rebuttal.

Athena shook her head, completely out of her mind with Grey. Athena averted her eyes, fear instantly attacking her. "N-no. I don't want to. I want to go back to my room."

"Alley girl!"

Athena screeched when her wrist was pulled roughly and Grey gave her a sharp look. Grey actually held her wrist roughly until Athena was in pain.

"Listen. You can stay here, but there are rules you have to follow. One of them is learning to shoot. You're troublesome. At least you can shoot. Noah and I can't protect you all the time. You're really troublesome," Grey said with a sharp look.

"No. Please, let me go. I won't be any trouble. If someone is after me I'll try to escape. Please don't teach me—"

"Whatever the reason, you have to learn. Noah is my best friend, I don't want Noah to be bothered by you," Grey interrupted.

Grey then immediately changed Athena's position, she was already behind Athena, forcibly straightened Athena's hand and put the gun in her hand making Athena even more afraid, even Athena's hands were already shaking.

"N-no please, don't, Grey," Athena pleaded softly. She was really scared.

Grey smile sly. She loved seeing Athena like this. Athena who was scared and not annoying like before, Athena who was now completely resigned in fear.

"Calm down, don't be afraid. It's just a little lesson. It's easy. I'll teach you slowly. It's like this."

Grey directed Athena's hand with focus towards James, ignoring Athena who continued to squeal and shake her head. Athena's strength was nothing compared to Grey's. Athena really didn't listen to Grey's explanation at all, Athena only thought about breaking free.

"Don't! Please don't!" shouted Athena when Grey had already moved Athena's finger to press the trigger.
