Part 15

"Of course. You're the source of my bad luck. When you're around, I'm always unlucky. You've admitted it yourself."

Grey replied sarcastically. Fortunately, he managed to find an answer. Athena clucked. Grey was very good at being evasive. Just as Athena was about to answer, Noah arrived with the guards. They immediately helped Grey and Ocean to stand up. While they were helping, Noah noticed the grass where Ocean and Grey had fallen.

He thought it was strange.


"Sir, I'm sorry. This is all my fault. You became like this because of me."

Grey sighed looking at Ocean who was now bowing his body many times before him. Ocean felt guilty that their plan had made Grey fall down and bruise in several places. In fact, Grey felt that this was fine. This was a small wound, Grey had often gotten bigger wounds.

"Because of you? What did you do, Ocean? It was his own fault. He must have gotten carried away with his anger and slipped. You even fell because you helped him. He should be the one apologizing to you."

Grey rolled his lazy eyes to see that it was Athena. "What are you here for?"

"Noah asked me to come here to make sure you guys are okay. Ocean is really unfortunate to have a troublesome master like you."

Grey glared. "There's no need for you to take care of him. You go on your way."

"Don't be like that. Even though you've had a bath with the help of the guards and the oil on your body is gone, your legs and arms still hurt. If you fall again, it will be troublesome. I'll just stand guard, there are guards in front too. It's a pity you refused to investigate this and asked them to be more careful. That's not who you are," Athena said and Grey just chuckled, choosing to remain silent because he was too lazy to argue further.

"By the way, you followed me and Noah to the restaurant for breakfast yesterday, didn't you?" asked Athena, making Grey surprised. However, again Grey tried to calm down and nodded. "There's no need to talk. I know the reason. You wanted to keep an eye on me and Noah," Athena continued, making Grey relieved because it meant that Athena didn't know anything.

"But, you know what, yesterday in the restaurant Noah and I happened to meet a fortune teller. The fortune teller helped me with my fortune telling. Do you want to hear the results?"

Grey clucked. "In thisday you still believe prophecy is real?"

"So what? If it's true, how? I'll tell you the results. So, he said that my future is good. I'm really blessed because if anyone has any ill intentions towards me, then they won't succeed. They'll get burned themselves. It's called karma. So, those who intend to harm me will be harmed, I myself am fine. I'm really grateful for that."

Grey and Ocean were surprised to hear that. Grey turned to Athena who was smiling. "So? What else did he say?" he asked, becoming interested. Perhaps his bad luck was related to the results of Athena's prophecy.

"Then, for a good love life, then—"

"I don't care about anything else. Tell me about you being blessed."

"That's it. It's done. Why? You're so interested in it. Do you want to harm me too?"

Grey was surprised, Ocean was too. Grey hurriedly changed his face to a calm one. "Why waste time like that? I'm a busy man."

"Really? Then—"

"Hi, sorry it took a while. I had trouble finding the ointment." Athena stopped her sentence when Noah arrived. "Thank you, Athena."

Athena smiled. "Yes. Take your time, Noah. Then, I'll go out first."

"Yes. Thank you."

"Yes. Thank you."


Athena walked out of there. "You stupid mafia. You think I'm that stupid? I know, the two times that shit happened, you planned it for me. How could anything be so coincidental? Hopefully, hearing my story, he won't bother me anymore," Athena said with a laugh when remembering Grey's reaction.


"Sir, do your hands and feet still hurt?"

"It's getting better. You just worry about yourself."

"I'm fine, Sir."

"Sir, by the way do you still want to make plans for Miss Athena?" Ocean asked cautiously and Grey's eyes rounded.

Grey hurriedly turned his head. "No, I don't. Just stop it," he replied immediately in a hurry. Realizing his overreaction, Grey calmed himself down. "I'm already tired. Why keep taking care of that woman? I'd better get some rest."

"A-ah yes. Sir is right. Alright. Let's just stop," Ocean said and Grey nodded.

Instantly Ocean became relieved because she honestly felt guilty too. Athena was a good woman. Ocean was grateful that Athena's story had stopped Grey from taking revenge on Athena. Ocean knew that the result of the prophecy must have caused Grey to stop, even though Grey didn't admit it.



Noah, who was looking in the mirror, turned to the door of his room and immediately smiled after finding Athena. It had been two months since Athena had lived here. Noah and Athena were getting closer, while Grey and Athena were still like cat and mouse. They still fought a lot.

"Hi. Morning, Athena."

"Noah, look, I made you a sandwich."

Athena showed me the plate with two sandwiches on it. Her and Noah's. She and Noah often had breakfast together. Athena deliberately brought her food when she finished cooking to Noah's room after she cooked because Athena didn't want Grey to eat it like the croissant incident that time. not just croissants, but several times.

Athena and Noah ate their breakfast.

"Thank you, Athena. As always, your food is delicious. You're becoming more and more skilled," Noah complimented, making Athena smile embarrassedly.

"No need to praise me too much, Noah. My food can't be compared to any other food."

"Your food is better than all the food in the world," Noah added and Athena really felt appreciated. Athena seemed to love Noah even more.

Yes. Athena loved Noah. Athena had lived here for a long time and Noah had always been kind to her, gentle and always with her. Of course, over time Athena loved him and every day it felt like her love deepened.

"By the way I want to give you something."

"Oh, yes? What?"

"Just a moment."

Noah stood up, walked to his desk, and then back to Athena. "This. I found it yesterday at work. Do you like it?" Noah asked, showing her the hairpin he had bought.

Athena smiled. "Oh my God! Love it! I love it so much! Thank you, Noah!" said Athena happily.

This purple butterfly design hairpin was really beautiful. It was definitely not an ordinary hairpin. It must be expensive. Noah could think of buying this in the midst of his busy schedule working at the hospital.

"I'm glad you like it. I'll help you put it on."

"Yes, Noah."

Noah quickly took the hairpin and put it into Athena's hair. Athena immediately ran to the mirror, looked at her hair and was really happy to see it.

"It's so cute and nice. Thank you, Noah!"

"Yes, Athena," Noah replied softly.

However, Noah's smile faded when he remembered something he had to say to Athena. "Athena," Noah called softly.

"Yes?" asked Athena-not turning her head because she was looking at her hairpin.

"I'm going to duty, there have been some disaster in several places, and i've been assigned to go there in two days. I'll probably be gone for a moment."