Part 16

Athena's smile disappeared after hearing Noah's words. Athena turned around and immediately approached Noah. "What? Where are you going? For what?"

"There have been some disaster in several places. We're volunteers. Some doctors have already left, their schedules vary. Mine is two days later. I don't know for how long because it happened in several places, not just one and many were injured. Once things get better, I'll be back soon. Probably two to three months."


Athena was naturally surprised to hear that and Noah could only nod - indicating that it was true. Noah noticed the changed look on Athena's face. Athena became visibly sad. Noah had expected it, especially since Athena was so close to him. Noah was also unwilling, but for the sake of duty and humanity, Noah had to go.

"Athena." Noah called out, then took Athena's hand and held it. Athena was surprised, but let him go at last. "Sorry. I really have to go. I've talked to Grey before, I've asked him to promise to take care of you and not to mess with you."

"Can't I come with you, Noah?" Athena returned Noah's hand.

Noah shook his head. "No. You have to stay here. If Grey bothers you, let me know. I'll reprimand him. Okay?"

Athena sighed and just nodded afterward - there was no other choice. Noah smiled, rubbing Athena's cheek gently. "Wait for me to come back. I'll call you often."

"Yes." Athena extended her little finger. "Promise me you'll contact me often, let me know if there's a problem and if possible, you'll come back soon."

Noah chuckled and nodded. "Yes." Noah linked his little finger with Athena's. "I promise."

Athena only forced a smile. Noah felt guilty looking at her.

"Sorry, Athena. I promise, after I get back from there, I'll confess my feelings and ask you to get engaged," Noah said silently.

Yes. Not only did Athena love Noah, but Noah also loved her back.


"What should I give Noah? He's leaving soon. I want to give something, but I don't even have money. Asking Noah for money certainly isn't."

Athena sighed as she couldn't come up with anything despite thinking about it over and over again. Athena felt that she should give something to Noah who was going to be on duty, but Athena was at a loss as to what to give. Athena thought about it until the next day, but Athena was still confused, while Noah would leave tomorrow.

However, Athena, who was sitting in the garden, had her eyes fixed on the fruit trees around the garden. Athena immediately smiled. "Giving him fruit is not a bad idea, right?" Athena muttered to herself.

Athena hurriedly stood up and she wanted to take the fruits there. There was nothing Athena could think of but to climb the tree.

"Miss Athena! Oh my! What are you doing? Come down!"

Karin, who happened to pass by the garden, panicked at the sight of Athena climbing the tree.

"I'm fine, Karin. There's no need to worry. I just want to get some fruit."

"Miss, if you want fruit, just ask the servants. They will take care of it. You don't need to get it yourself. Please, come down. If Mr. Noah finds out, I don't know how to explain."

"I picked it for Noah to take. I can't give him anything, just this. So, I want to pick it myself for him. You don't get in my way, I'll be fine, Karin," replied Athena who was now up in the tree.

"Miss, but—"

"You just help me pick it up, Karin. I'll throw it and you catch it, okay? Don't tell Noah about this, it's a surprise. Grab the fruit!"

Athena threw the fruit she had picked and Karin picked the apples-the first tree Athena had climbed-one by one.

It just so happened that Grey and Ocean were walking while talking about work. They passed by the garden and Grey saw Athena's first. Grey stopped his steps, and so did Ocean.

"Ocean, that's the alley girl, right?" asked Grey to make sure.

Ocean also looked and was surprised. "Absolutely, sir. It's just, what is Miss Athena doing?"

"I was just about to ask you. She wants to be a monkey now?" Grey then laughed. "It fits too. But, it seems that this woman is really troublesome. Noah asked me to take care of her, my job is really tough."

"Let's go there. We've got a free circus performance."

"Yes, Sir."

Grey and Ocean immediately approached Athena. "Alley girl, are you tired of me calling you that? So, you want to create a new identity? You want to be a monkey?"

Athena turned her head and rolled her eyes at Grey. "Why are you here? Every time you come here, something bad happens. Go and leave me alone. I'm not in the mood to argue."

"You want to pick fruit? For what, no servants here?"

Athena clucked, turned to Grey and pointed at him. "Can you not stay out of it? I want to climb, none of your business. I—AKH!"


Athena cried out when she accidentally slipped and fell. However, Athena frowned when she didn't feel her body falling, but rather someone holding her up. Athena opened her eyes and was surprised that Grey was already carrying her bridal style-successfully catching her who almost fell.

"If I leave, your little head will already be broken," Grey said making Athena cringe.

"It's not that bad, Mr. Mafia."

"How long do you want to be carried by me? Don't want to get off?"

"O-Oh. Yes."

Athena hurriedly got off, cursing herself inwardly because this was really embarrassing, especially since it happened right in front of Grey, the annoying man who fortunately saved her.

"Thank you. You can go. I want to climb a few more trees."

Athena, who was just walking, stopped when her wrist was restrained-certainly by Grey. "Still want to climb? Aren't you traumatized that you almost lost your head?"

"I have to do it. This is the only thing I can give him."

Grey's brow furrowed. "Him?"

Athena nodded. "Yes. Noah. You know he's about to go on duty, I feel like I should give him something. I want to bring him some fruit to take with him."

"What? Are you crazy? How could you give him fruit? Besides, Noah can find fruit anywhere. Besides, Noah can find fruit anywhere."

"What can I do?! I don't have the money to buy him anything. Here, I can only give him this. I picked it myself on purpose. At least, I tried. Rich people like you won't understand me!" Athena's annoyance made Grey, Ocean and Karin stop laughing and fell silent.

The atmosphere suddenly became awkward. Moreover, Athena looked really upset. Grey cleared his throat to break the silence.

"Who says you don't have money? I have it, don't I?"

Athena's eyes rounded instantly. Instantly Athena felt happy mixed with relief. "You want to do me a favor? Lend me money?"

"Yes. You can buy as much and as expensive as you want. But not for free."

Athena's smile instantly disappeared. Athena should not have expected Grey to be that kind. "Okay, what's the price?" Athena asked lazily. If it wasn't for Noah's sake, Athena wouldn't have agreed.

Grey smiled. "You have to do everything I ask, a kind of personal assistant."