Part 24

Grey immediately pulled Athena behind his body. "Stay close to me. Remember my warning yesterday," Grey whispered again. Grey grew more alert as Robert and Seth took a few steps forward. "I suggest backing off, Robert."

"Y—yes, back off! Where did you get my name anyway?" asked Athena with a position still behind Grey's body.

Robert smirked. "Having been with your husband for so long, don't you know that information spreads among us quite quickly?" Robert turned the question around leaving Athena speechless. "Let's put it this way. Mrs. Athena, you should love your husband, right? So, you wouldn't want anything to happen to your husband. How about we take this matter to an amicable settelement?"

Athena's brow furrowed. "Bring the matter to an amicable settlement?"

Robert nodded. Robert put his arm around Seth. "Divorce your husband, then marry my son, Seth."

"Are you crazy?!" fumed Athena instantly.

"That's normal. Do you want to just be my wife? That's fine. I like you too." Robert turned his gaze to Seth. "No problem, son? It doesn't make her your wife, but at least you get to see her every day as a stepmother. If you want to play with her, fine. We-"

"Hey, asshole!"

Grey had already interrupted and pointed the gun making Robert's men who were brought along also pointed the gun, and vice versa. Grey looked at him angrily. "I suggest you watch your language or I'll pull out your tongue."

Robert smirked. "Wow. That's creepy. I'm scared," he said in a mocking tone. Robert picked up his gun, pointing it at Grey. "It seems from your reaction, you didn't accept my offer?" Robert asked rhetorically. Grey had already clenched one hand.

"Then fine. I'll kill your wife. Fair. This is the second option. My son and you both won't get it."


Athena almost lost her breath as she heard the gunshot. However, Athena was relieved when she realized the shot didn't hit her, but Seth probably because now Robert was screaming in panic, checking on his only son.

"Seth, are you okay? Not hurt?" asked Robert frantically and Seth nodded.

"Dad, he's such an asshole! He wants to kill me!"

"What an asshole. You should be thankful your shot missed. Otherwise, I really would have tortured you."

"Wow. I was so scared," Grey mocked. "And you should know, my shot didn't miss. It was on purpose. I know, my kind wife didn't want your son to get hurt. But, it was a warning. If your son or you dare to mess with my wife, I assure you that not only his legs, I will also shoot his entire body, breaking his hands. All of them."

"You dare? Are you tired of living?"

Grey smirked. "I should be the one to tell you." Grey's gaze changed, filled with anger. "Get out of here now or you'll really regret it."

"Who do you think you are to threaten me? I—"

"Your men are many. I know. But, you forget, whose house is this? No matter how many men you have, there aren't as many here, are there? I've asked my men to go around the neighborhood. I just need to give the code by raising one of my index fingers, and you'll be finished here."

The look on Robert and Seth's faces instantly changed - to fear. Grey smirked at that. What a father and son. Cowards. "No way." Robert tried to maintain his pride.

"That's all right. Want to try?"

"Dad, let's go. This is his house after all. It's better to be safe. We'll go home and take care of them later," Seth whispered.

Robert sighed. Seth was right. Damn. Robert had deliberately come this early, this fast so Grey wouldn't have any preparations. But, unfortunately, Grey was a smart man. He had already predicted.

"Just watch out. I won't stop. Just wait for my revenge," Robert growled.

"Okay. I'll wait, Mr. Robert coward," Grey said, making Robert even angrier, but Robert finally left, making Athena instantly relieved.

"Coward," said Grey who had already guessed how it would turn out. "Wait. I will repay their insults someday," Grey said to Athena.

Athena immediately shook her head. "There's no need. From what you said, that guy is creepy. Let it go. The important thing is that I'm fine. You'll always take care of me, too."

"How can that be? I have to pay you back. Not just for you, for my pride too. What's more, they already know you're my wife, I'm not defending you, weird, right? Think of it as revenge for Noah too. They'll definitely attack again, sooner or later."

"They won't give up?"

"Of course. Her disgusting son is already obsessed with you. His father is just as disgusting. So, you should stay at home for a while. If you want to go out, you have to come with me. Understood?" Grey asked seriously.

Athena nodded. "Okay. I understand."

"There is no need to be afraid. As long as you're with me, you won't get hurt. I promised Noah to take care of you. I won't break my promise," Grey said after watching Athena for a while. It was obvious that Athena was trying to hide her fear.

Athena nodded again.

"Never mind. Let's go inside. I have your first task as a personal assistant."

Athena frowned. "What?"

"Why? You didn't forget our agreement that quickly, did you?"

Athena recalled the matter. Athena had indeed forgotten about it. "Okay, what do you want?"

"Go in first."

Athena obeyed, and went in with the others. Grey pointed to the kitchen. "Go, cook for me. Breakfast should be delicious. When you're done, take it to my room. How was it? Your first assignment wasn't difficult, was it?"

"Okay. No problem. Think of it as a thank you too for helping me from Seth and Robert. Even if it's all because of Noah."

"Okay. It's good that you know how to thank me. When the food is finished, bring it to my room, waiter."

Grey smiled and left. Athena was annoyed again. "Who's the waiter?!" she snapped and Grey just chuckled silently.


"Spoiled man, your food is ready. Karin said you wanted to eat in the room, right? I already brought it."

"Just go in!"

Athena rolled her eyes. She had already cooked the food, Grey still wanted her to bring the food inside-really used to being a young master. Athena finally went inside. However, Athena was surprised because after entering, she got a shocking sight.

Grey was shirtless and was wiping his wet hair with a towel.

"CRAZY MAN!" shouted Athena instantly.