Part 25

Grey frowned, looking at Athena who had closed her eyes and turned her body over. Fortunately, Athena didn't spontaneously throw the food she had brought. Grey threw her wet towel carelessly on the bed.

"You're the crazy one. You're already yelling and looking away. I'm here, not there. Bring the food over here."

"No way! Y-you put your clothes on first. Shameless."

"Clothes?" Grey was confused, but finally smiled when he understood the situation. "Oh. Are you tempted by my six-pack abs?" asked Grey, deliberately getting closer to Athena. "Then it doesn't matter. You can see it. Consider it your fortune. It's not a sixpack, it's an eightpack."

"Are you crazy?! Get your clothes on or I'll throw this food in your face!" threatened Athena, still not daring to turn her body around.

Grey laughed. It was funny to see Athena who was actually misbehaving. Grey finally picked up her shirt and put it on, still with wet hair. "Just turn around. I'm already wearing clothes," Grey said.

"What if you lied?"

Grey rolled his eye. "My lies are too precious to use on someone like you."

Athena chuckled at that, but she finally turned her body around. She was relieved that Grey had actually put on his clothes. Athena walked over to the nightstand, immediately putting her food there.

"You're crazy!" annoyed Athena.

Athena then turned her body around, wanting to get out of this room immediately.


However, her steps stopped when Grey called out. Athena rolled her eyes lazily. "Why again?" she asked as she turned around.

However, Athena was stunned when she saw the changed look on Grey's face. Grey looked surprised, but there was also sadness. Grey then looked at Athena. His gaze turned cold.

"What is this?" he asked in a cold tone of voice.

"T-tacos," Athena replied-slightly stammering. "So what? I intentionally made a different breakfast than usual. So, I made tacos. Don't you like them?" asked Athena. Cautious.

Grey didn't answer, just stayed silent and stared straight at the tacos. Athena saw Grey clenching his fists. "Get out now," Grey pleaded.

"W-why? Here's the thing. If you really don't like tacos, I'll take them out and cook something else. What do you want? Say—"

"I said get out!"

Athena fell silent after Grey interrupted her with a yell. Grey looked really messed up now. Athena finally nodded and resignedly walked out of Grey's room. Outside, Athena walked while thinking back to Grey's face that changed after she brought the tacos. Athena wondered, what was wrong with the tacos?


However, Athena woke up from her thoughts when someone called out. It turned out to be Ocean. "Miss, I was going to Mr. Grey's room to say something. It's just that I heard Mr. Grey's scream and you came out. Is everything okay? Is there a problem?" asked Ocean worriedly.

"I'm actually confused too, Ocean."

Ocean frowned. "Can you tell me what's wrong?"

"I just brought breakfast like she asked this morning. I made tacos. He suddenly asked what I was cooking and immediately—"

"Wait. Tacos?"

Athena noticed the surprised look on Ocean's face after hearing the word 'taco' made Athena even more curious. "Yes. Tacos. What's wrong with that? Just now, Grey suddenly looked strange after hearing it, too, and kicked me out of his room."

"No wonder."

Athena became even more curious. "What's wrong, Ocean? Doesn't he like that food?"

"It's not that, Miss. It's just that it's actually Mr. Grey's mother Emily's favorite food. He doesn't hate that food. It's just that when he sees it, he remembers his mother."

"His mother?" Athena asked for confirmation and Ocean nodded. "His mother is dead?" she asked again.

If you think about it, they never heard about Grey's mother, most of them would bring up his father. Seeing Ocean's nod, Athena was surprised.

"Wh-what? How come? Is it because of illness?"

Ocean shook his head. He had a sad look on his face. "Mr. Grey's mother was murdered."

"Murdered? Who killed her?"

"Mr. Wilson's enemies."


"Ah, sorry. I forgot to tell you. Wilson is Mr. Grey's father. Mr. Wilson's enemies killed Lady Emily, Mr. Grey's mother. Mr. Grey was never accompanied by his mother. His mother was killed since he was a baby. She was killed after being discharged from the hospital after giving birth. Mr. Grey also wanted to be killed. However, Mr. Wilson managed to save him."

"Mr. Wilson loved Lady Emily very much. Even after his death, he would always tell Mr. Grey all about Lady Emily, tell him how much Lady Emily loved Mr. Grey even in the womb, and even celebrate Lady Emily's birthday."

Athena was shocked. She did not expect that there was someone as cruel as the person who had killed Mrs. Grey. "Cruel. That person is crazy. Who is he? Robert?" Athena asked angrily. If it really was Robert, then there was no wonder why Grey hated him so much.

However, Ocean shook her head. "No, it's not. The enemy is also dead. Mr. Wilson already killed him. It's just that the grudge remains. Even though he is dead, Mr. Wilson will continue to ask Mr. Grey to remember his face and hate him for life."

Athena clenched her fists. She really couldn't bear it. Athena did not expect that annoying man to have such a sad life story. "Why is that man so cruel?" Athena whispered.

"The man who killed his name was Oscar. Oscar was obsessed with Lady Emily. Lady Emily preferred Mr. Wilson. He finally wanted to kill Lady Emily and her son."

"What a cruel man! He deserves to die!" annoyed Athena. "Those tacos weren't his mother's favorite food? Is that why she looks so sad?" Athena asked for confirmation and Ocean nodded.

Athena clenched her fists. The reason why Grey was like this was revealed. "I'll take it away, then cook a new one."

Ocean immediately panicked. "Miss, no, don't go inside Mr. Grey's room!"

Too late. Athena had already run into Grey's room and opened it.