The Moon

The house was even quieter at night. Unlike the couple's description, there were no screams, no anomalies, and even the cat was purring quietly in Hai's lap. It almost made Xiaoling wonder if being there kept the spirits away. However, that had never happened in her entire life. The spirits were usually unable to tell the difference between sorcerers and normal spirits. 

"Master, are you sure there's something wrong with this house?" Hai asked out of boredom, "Do you think they're making this up?" 

Xiaoling sighed as she looked out the window. The moon was shining as usual. It wasn't red like Qingsheng had mentioned. 

"What are your thoughts about Qingsheng?" Xiaoling asked out of the blue. 

"For me," Qiang murmured, "I think he is too antisocial. Ru used to be like that back in the day, remember?"