Qiang’s Story (Pt. 8)

Qiang sat quietly, listening to Yuanjun's foolproof schemes. According to Yuanjun, an alliance could only form if both country's military power turned against their respective countries, and that could only be achieved through an equally fought war. 

Yuanjun, who had a defense map tattooed on his back, could only remain safe if he chose to trade it with the right people. 

Qiang, who was being threatened by the Ministry of Justice, could only survive if she handed the defense map to the higher-ups. 

However, a war wouldn't be equal if only one country had the other's defense map. So, Qiang had to steal her country's defense map as well. 

"I know it feels like a lot," Yuanjun sighed, "I'm willing to help you in every way." He added.