A Solution

The Arbiter was called over to the residence to verify Ru's sudden disappearance. When he arrived with two scrolls in his hands, he saw Xiaoling panicking by the tea table in Ru's room and Weisheng trying to calm her down constantly.

Upon seeing the Arbiter enter the room, Xiaoling gasped, "He's here!" She stood up and looked at him with anticipation. She instantly noticed the scrolls in his hands. 

Weisheng looked back at him, "I thought your talisman was good enough. Why did he suddenly disappear?" He asked in a mocking voice as he looked at the Arbiter without standing up. 

The Arbiter glanced at Xiaoling and Weisheng simultaneously, then gazed at the scrolls in his hands. Those scrolls belonged to Ru. They were the records of his life and death. They were the records of the proof of his existence.