
A whole day was successfully spent in the Heaven Realm with Xiaoling's existence, and none of the Heavenly Officials noticed and called the court to cause drama.

The Shihong Ceremony had also come to an end, making going outside safer. Weisheng reckoned Xiaoling would bring the conversation up soon. After all, she seemed pretty bored at the Arbiter's Hall all day. 

It was her own choice to enter the Arbiter's Hall, but she hadn't imagined how boring it could be. She wasn't sure how Weisheng and the Arbiter kept up with the job. 

Weisheng ordered dinner since they were back at the residence, serving it on the lounge table. They hadn't had meals in the lounge ever since the residence had gone quiet and lonely. 

"Maybe we should've called the Arbiter for dinner, too," Xiaoling said as Weisheng set the table, "He seemed delighted to have company during lunch." 

Weisheng took his seat, opening the lids of the dishes, "He doesn't have dinner usually."