
Xiaoling took Zisheng's offer immediately. They waited around the deck for a while, waiting for the boat keeper to fall asleep again. They sat with their legs out to the water. Xiaoling ran her hand against the water. It was cold and desolate, just like the entire valley itself. 

Suddenly, she raised her hand, "Is this safe to touch?" She whispered as she looked at him. 

Zisheng smiled and nodded, "Why wouldn't it be?" He asked as he leaned down to run his hand into the water. 

Just as he leaned down, a pendant hidden behind his clothes hung loosely by his neck. Xiaoling's eyes widened as she gasped and grabbed the pendant. 

"Where did you get this from?" She asked with a shaky voice, still remembering to whisper. 

"Oh," Zisheng looked down at her hands clenching onto the pendant, "Do you know whose Immortal Essence is this? I found it on the verge of perishing and thought I'd help sustain it again." He murmured.