And on hearing her, Lia looked as if she had heard the most impossible thing on Earth.

Keeping her hand on her heart, she feigned shock and said, "What did you say? You are not the type to beat a person? Let me ask you, Young Lady, what do you think of yourself? An elegant, pure and pious lady? Huh?"

Zeva blinked. Now isn't that the most obvious thing on the planet?

"Baahh!" Lia could spit on that very thought. "You are very delusional about yourself, I must say." She said shaking her head like an old woman. "Firstly, like I said, the programme wouldn't design any task that doesn't match with your personality. Or something that you are not at all capable of. Especially when it is the very first task.

And secondly, I think this is one task that you would be able to do the best! Have you forgotten what you did in the middle of the road last day?"


 Zeva did not know what to say anymore. Well, because Lia was not technically wrong. But yet, she said, "But he was getting on my nerves. He did not get a beating for no reason. I don't go hitting people black and blue like a maniac, you see."


Lia shrugged and said, "That I don't know. You have twenty four hours in your hand. Go, find someone who gets on your nerves." Saying so, she moved away from there.


Zeva hurriedly took her bag, and as she locked the door, she asked Lia curiously, "So, as I will be given a hundred task, what if I am not able to complete a task? Then will I fail that instant? And you..."


Lia who was looking around at the surrounding of the place which was going to be her new address from now, she looked back at Zeva and shook her head and said, " No. Our life is not that traumatic as well. But well, if you are not able to complete the task, than you will bear the consequences."


Being done with locking the door, she said with wariness mearing her face, "What consequences? Please kindly elaborate, my dear Godmother?"


As they started walking on the corridors, Zeva held Lia's hand ass the little being went on explaining, "See, it is simple. If you fail to complete one task, then you will not be awarded with the award that you would have been granted on the completion of the task.

Supposedly, you failed to complete Task 10, then it will be marked as not completed, and you will be assigned Task 11. But maybe, the task 11 or other future task would need or require the help of the award that you maybe have gotten if you had completed Task 10. And for that, maybe you lost any other future task too.


And hence, like that if you fail three task like this, your system programme would get deactivated. And you would lose it.

All your cheats and advantages given and awarded by the system would also disappear. And that would mean that you would have to continue your life as a basic and normal human being again, from where the system leaves you. Which is going to be very, very difficult.


And eventually that would also mean, that I would be transported back to Solara. And then as I said last night, my fate will then depend on what happened here."


After Lia was done explaining, Zeva nodded her head. She sighed and said, "Well, that is one good thing, that I would not be harmed physically in any way. But yes, I assure you that I will try to complete all the tsk. After all, it is the matter of achieving the heights in my life. And even if, I don't do it for myself, I would try to do it for you."


Lia raised her head to look at Zeva, who smiled at her. And Lia said nothing.

'Only if she knew that it was not that easy.' She thought in her mind. But she did not say anything. Because she knew that it is only with time will Zeva understand that after reaching a certain extent, there is no going back. And it will be far more tougher than to just have physical pain.


"Oh my! What a cute little princess. How is she?" A woman exclaimed.


Zeva looked forward and saw that it is Aunty Lee. Aunty Lee was a middle aged woman, probably in her late forties. She had a very pleasant nature, and was very kind to people around her.


Zeva specially liked this woman. Around two years ago, after her grandmother's death when Zeva moved in the city in thus apartment away from her family house in the town, this lady helped her a lot when she was alone.


When Lia heard herself being called a princess, her eyes lit up and she smiled like a flower blossoming. And she bowed at her and said, "Hello Aunty. My name is Lia."


For a moment, Zeva was shocked to see Lia acting so well behaved. She was so shocked, that' she had to double check, that the child has not been exchanged somewhere in between the ten steps she had taken after closing the door.