After making sure that she has the right person, Zeva nodded in satisfaction. Alright, at least it was a good thing that Lia was behaving like a cute pie in front of whom she should.


Mrs Lee swooned at the little well behaved girl, and she sat on her knees in front of Lia and said, "Aww… you good child. May God bless you. Do you like candies, little princess?"


Hearing the word 'candy', Lia's eyes lit up like light bulbs, and she hurriedly bobbed her head up and down, nodding affirmatively.

Seeing her nod, Mrs Lee smiled and the skin near her eyes crinkled, evidence of her increasing age.

She nodded, as she dug into the big bag, she had brought with herself, and she said, "Thankfully while returning for the market, I brought extra candies, while buying for my little Julie. Who knew I would met another angel here, or else I would have bought some more."


Little Julie was the one year old grand daughter of Mrs Lee.

She then pulled out two lollipops, and handed them over to Lia saying, "Here you go, sweet child."


"Thank you, pretty aunty!" Lia thanked Mrs Lee enthusiastically.

"My, my, What a lovely child." Mrs Lee said keeping one hand on her heart.


Then looking at Zeva, she smiled at her and patted her head, "And how are you, dear?" And then the smiling gaze on Zeva's face turned into a little frown and Mrs Lee asked, "And why do I think you look sick? Tell me, girl? Are you alright?"


Zeva laughed a little and said, "Do not worry, aunty. I am very much fine. Thank you for asking." And this was why, Zeva loved Mrs Lee even more. When she had no one to even look at what she was doing, this woman would ask about her well being and sometimes even look after her meals.


Mrs Lee nodded her head and said, "Yes, take care of your health, they weather these days are very unstable. Try to eat and remain healthy these days."


"Yes aunty."


Mrs Lee then looked at Lia again, who know was busy sucking in the lollipop. She asked Zeva, "Who is this cute little child?"


"uhm…" Zeva for a second drawled. Oh my heavens, what were she to say. She did not even think till now what to tell people, if they asked her about Lia's identity.

What was she to tell?!


Zeva saw that Mrs Lee was still waiting for the answer, she blurted out, "A sister!"


"Huh? A sister?" Mrs Lee enquired with a smile. And Zeva nodded.


"A faraway cousin sister, Aunty. Actually, recently due to due to some unfortunate events, Lia doesn't have her parents in this world now? So, I have decided to keep her with me and take care of her. I have already felt what it feels like to have no one to care of you, after your parents are not around anymore. And I can absolutely not allow this little child to feel the same." Zeva said all this with a small smile on her lips.


"Oh my! How can something so cruel happen with a small girl like this? Fate can be so cruel at time!" Mrs Lee said, geinuinely feeling heart broken for Lia. 


Then patting Zeva's shoulders, she nodded at her and said, "Very well, Child. Very well. I am glad you did this. listen to me, whenever you need something, you can anytime knock on my door, okay? My house is forever open for you two, is it right?" Mrs Lee said again.


"Thank you for you generosity, Aunty. Let us take a leave now, as we are running late. We will make sure to give you a good visit later." Zeva said with a smile.


Aunty Lee nodded her head agreeing, and then biding them goodbye, walked towards her own apartment.


When Mrs Lee was gone, Zeva looked down at Lia, who was staring back at her with astonished eyes.

"What happen? Why do you look at me like this?" Zeva asked.


"What was that?!" Lia exclaimed. "You are such a smooth lier! But why did you have to kill me parents for that?!" 


What a smooth lier! Zeva did not know, on hearing this whether she should take this as a compliement or not.

"Well, thank you?" She did not how else to respond. "But when did I kill your parents, young girl? Don't put false accusations on me!"


"You just did! Though your words!" Lia argued with a big pout.