"Wow! That was so cool! At first, I thought that you wouldn't do anything. But then, the woman and that naughty girl's face was worth looking at!" Saying she laughed out loud.

Looking at the excited Lia, Zeva too giggled and laughed.


Then Lia said, "Do you know what would have been even better?"

"What?" Zeva asked.


"If you would have completed your task there on that woman." Lia said shaking her head, with a sly look on her face.


Zeva laughed thinking how she too thought of the same thing, but then she said, "It wouldn't have been a good idea. After all, you see she had her daughter there, and there were other children too. Also, as much as I want to complete my task, I don't want the public too look at me in a bad light."


Lia rolled her eyes and said, "Whatever! You could have beaten up the brat along with her mother too."

Zeva chuckled seeing Lia grumbling like that.

Though, she understood what Zeva was trying to say, yet she was very mad at the mother daughter duo calling her esteemed looks ugly! She was done forgiving them in this lifetime. Hmmphhh!


They then waking towards the parking of the mall, to get her motorbike. This time, Zeva had parked the bike at a very end of the parking, as the other places for the two wheelers were all full.


At the end of the parking lot, just beside where her bike was parked, there was a small plot of empty barren land, which had some construction materials there. 

Just when they reached Zeva's bike, Zeva saw that at some distance from them, a man was talking on his phone. He was nicely dressed in a suit, but Zeva couldn't see his face, as he had his back facing them.



She was then about to concentrate on her own thing when, she saw at a distance. Zeva put back the keys on her pocket. And on seeing this, Lia looked at Zeva and asked, "What happen? Why did you not start the bike."


"Shh.." Zeva quietened the little girl. She then pulled her little frame behind the bike and said, "Don't move from here, nor make any sound, alright? I will be here soon."


Lia turned confused and she asked, "What do you mea- Mmmphh!" She could not complete her sentence, as Zeva put her hand on her mouth shutting her off.

 "Shhh!! Don't talk and stay here. I will be back soon." Saying so, she hid Lia's tiny body, and then slowly jumped over the wired fence, that was almost Lia's height. She made sure to not make her presence felt much.


Lia was looking all that with a big frown, as she could not understand anything at all.


She saw a tall man wearing a suit standing at quite some distance from them talking on his phone to someone.

 And then she saw Zeva who was looking at his direction with narrowed eyes. And a random thought passed Lia's mind widening her eyes!


Was Zeva planning to beat up the man seeing that there was no one around to complete her task? But just a moment ago, wasn't she being very righteous, by not wanting to hit the lady even after she brutally cursed the both of them?!


Now why did she want to hit the innocent man…-?! But just then, she saw someone slowly making his way out pf the big boulders, towards the suit wearing man with a knife. The man was lean and thin, and had fully covered up his face, leaving only his eyes uncovered.


Lia whipped her eyes to look at Zeva, and she saw how her eyes were now had covered, as she looked at him with narrowed eyes.


Zeva then removed her heels, and the made her way from the side walking on her toes, to avoid making any noise at all. When Zeva was enough close to them, but still maintain a distance of two to three meters away from the both, Lia saw her pick up a big brick.


Lia was amazed on how cat like smooth and agile her movements were. And how soundlessly she moved!

The man with the knife also made sure to not make any noise.


And the very next second, just when the man wearing the suit turned maybe sensing someone behind, the man with the knife had already raised his knife to attack him. But before, he could attack,



The big brick came flying and directly hot the knife off his hand, and then a second brick came flying again hitting his head, making him fall on the ground.


This all happened on the short span of three seconds, and before, anyone could understand anything, Zeva rushed out of where she was standing and broke upon on the man!


The attacker man had held his head, on being attacked out of nowhere, but before he could understand what happened all of a sudden, a punch came flying on his face, followed by another one on his nose.


Zeva then slapped his cheeks over the mask, and said, "What were you doing trying to kill someone at broad day light?! Say!" Saying so, she kicked him making him groan.


The next second, she pulled off the mask, and she saw a young man perhaps on his late teens grit his teeth looking at her. His forehead was injured and was bleeding due to the attack with the brick. 


"At the age of making your career, you are out killing people!" She said as she was about to hit him again, when she saw he had already reach out for the knife again. And this time, wanting to attack her!

But Zeva was quicker! She kicked his hand and slapped on his cheeks again. She then gave him a series of beating, before a few people came running towards them.


"What happened here?" Zeva moved away from the boy, who was now in no position to even stand on his legs now. His nose was bleeding, the skin near his lips was torn, there was an injury on his forehead. In short, he had received a good beating from Zeva.