"What's happening here?" A few men came there rushing as they asked her.


Zeva took a few steps away from the boy, who was holding his hand and groaning in pain on the ground. And she said, "He was about to attack this man with a knife!" She then finally turned to look at the man, and-

"…!!!!" DAMN! Oh! Heavenly Lord! What a stunning creation of yours! Zeva screamed in her mind.


"And she saved me." The man told them. And Zeva almost had a mini heart attack! Oh! His voice is so seductive as well!


"Take him to the authorities!" One of them said. Saying that, he picked him the groaning teenager, as he looked hatefully first at the man, and then at Zeva.


The man looked back at the teenager with a cold expressionless gaze, and could see absolute hatred in the boy's eyes oozing through his very soul. 


While, Zeva broke out from her trance of gazing at the stunning man when someone among the men spoke.

"Sir, you have to come with us too." One of the man said, and he replied with a curt nod.


Saying so, the other men dragged the boy away from there.

The man whose life was saved by Zeva turned towards her. And when he looked at her eyes, Zeva did not know why but for a moment, she felt like the air she inhaled just got stuck in her throat.


The man too stared at her for a few seconds, before he said, "Thank you for saving my life, Miss…?"


"…" Zeva was on the other hand lost in her own wonderland. This man! He was so… what? Good looking? Come on, that would be such an understatement for him! He was far more than good looking.

The shape of his eyes, eyebrows, chiseled face, perfectly shaped lips, flawlessly smooth skin! Depth pf his eyes! AHHH!!!


But then she realised that he just said something, and she hurriedly replied, "Zeva. Zeva Chen."


The man nodded, and said as he said, "Thank you for saving my life, Miss Zeva. You have done a great favor on me. Tell me, if I can do anything for you."


"Oh!!" Zeva chuckled, and waving her hand at him, she said with a smile, "That was nothing. I just could stand there and see anyone getting attacked in front of my eyes. I don't need anything." She blurted out. While in her mind, Zeva was feeling really very giddy.


He nodded again, and then said, "If it is so then I owe you a favor, Miss Zeva. If in future, we meet again, and if there is anything I can help you with feel free to ask me." He said and Zeva nodded her head like a chipmunk.


"Well then, as you saw, I have a matter to attend now. I should get going." He said.

"Oh yes, Sure." Zeva replied as she too saw a man standing at a distance from them. He was the one who asked the man to go to the authorities with them.


The handsome man then stared at Zeva for a few seconds, before walking away from there. He walked from in between the alley of two buildings, where on the other side, there was the road.


With a smile, Zeva too walked back to where her bike was parked. And where Lia was standing, witnessing all that was happening.


"What was that?" Lia exclaimed when Zeva reached her.

"I saved a good looking man's life!" Zeva replied with a grin. And then she went on explaining everything in detail again, even though Lia had seen it all.


 And after she heard it all, Lia frowned and said, "But if they took them to the authorities, shouldn't they have taken you too? After all, you witnessed the attack and saved his life."


That same question came on her mind too. That's right! Shouldn't she be asked to go with them to the authorities too?


With a confused face, Zeva said, "Maybe, I was excluded because I had nothing to do except stopping the attack, as a third party. Or maybe because they did not want to involve me because I was a girl?" After all, it wouldn't be surprising if she was excused because of that reason.


And on top of that, she had nothing to do, except for saving someone's life.


"Perks of being a pretty woman." Lia sighed and murmured slowly.


 And the very next second, of a sudden Zeva exclaimed out loud, Almost scaring the soul out of Lia, "Ohh NO!!!"

Lia's eyes widened and she looked at her in horror and said, "What happened?"


Zeva had a devasted expression on her face, and she said, "I lost a golden opportunity!"

"What opportunity?" Lia asked, confused.