"HEHAHAHAH! HEHAHAHEHEHAH!" Lia laughed her heart out clutching her stomach, as they entered the apartment.


And when she entered, she went and directly fell on the couch, rolling there. Zeva looked at that alien baby with black face, as she has been laughing at her all the way home. And Zeva did not understand what she found so funny.

She admitted that Lai would a hell of a cute creature, while laughing. Especially with that too little dimples on her cheeks. But it is too much now!


Leaving that laughing alien child on her own, Zeva went to fetch herself a bottle of water. And she came back, and sat on another couch on the side.

"Now stop laughing, will you? It is sounding too fake and forced." Zeva told her with cold eyes.


On hearing her, Lia laughed even more and said waving her little hands, "Come on, come on. I maybe sounding fake, but not as much as you went you were acting coy there. Hahaha!"

