Zeva tied up her hairs, as she came out of the kitchen, to see Lia watching cartoons on TV. Looking at that, Zeva smiled. After all, at the end of the day Lia was a baby, she thought.


"Lia!" She called for her.

"Yes?" Lia replied as she turned around.

"The food is ready. Come, let's eat." She called for her.

Lia nodded her head, and switched off the TV before jumping down the couch and padding to the dining table.


But before, she could reach halfway to the dining table, something happened, and Zeva shierked before falling on her butt.

What happened? Well, the program's screen had appeared in front of her again taking her by surprise.


Zeva rubbed her buttocks, and sshed, "This stupid screen! Why does it always have to appear all of a sudden and give me a jump scare?!"