And on hearing this explanation, Zeva's mouth almost dropped to the ground.

 Wait- What! 

Zeva looked at Lia big, wide eyes and her mouth agape, and said, "This happens too?"


"Yes." Lia replied simply. She then climbed up the chair, and got her plate ready, and asked, "Why? What did you think, that the system would only grant you money. You don't even have am idea human, what more the universe has to offer."


Zeva then asked curiously, "Then what abilities do you think I would receive?"


Lia shrugged and said, "You see, it is locked so we don't know what you will actually get. But it depends upon how you are, what you are, and what your future is."

Zeva took a moment to let the information sink in before nodding. She then heard Lia say, "I am hungry now."