"But this town is more busier and populated than mine."

Lia nodded her head, her lips shaped as an 'o' nodding that she understood.

She then held Lia's hands and walked into the market. Lia saw that the market here was quite bustling. She saw that there were many shops selling various things.


Lia looked up at Zeva, and and asked, "But Zeva, why are we here?" She did not think that they were here to do shopping. After all, it can be more stupid to ride all the way forty kilometres away from the city to buy something when you can find anything there.


Zeva looked at the little girl, and said, "Did you not ask me Lia, that what do I do the system's program showed you that I am businesswoman? Well, here is the answer. "


Lia blinked, and then thought to herself, "Now don't tell me that she runs a shop here."