"Hehe," Zeva giggled and said, "Did I not tell you that my grandmother had helped me in transfering all my parent's in my name? And that my parent's had brought properties in our town and around our town?"

Lia nodded her head, and Zeva said, "So, as I wanted to avoid those relatives of mine, I sold all the lands there, and constructed some of these buildings and stores here. And hence, this stores are all mine which I have given different people to manage. And the houses and flats are all in rent. "

Lia took a deep breath, and said with happy tears in her eyes, "Wow. How great of me! Here I was thinking that my kind heart made a bad decision by acting rash and choosing you. But no! The heavens have payed me for my kindness."

"..." Zeva did not know what more to tell looking at her. She just smiled and shrugged her shoulders. "I guess, it is the good luck of both of us, that we got each other."