After Zeva and Lia were out of their sight, the crowd of people who were gathered began to murmur among themselves. Some of them in shock and in awe of what they have seen. Some of them were praising the girl's confidence, power and righteousness for standing up for the stall keeper, and teaching these goons a good lesson. While many of them, pointed their fingers at those men and criticised those men for their behaviour.


On being at the gun point of the people's verbal attack, those men slowly got up, and scurried away in embarrassment. And in no time, they were all out of sight.


Meanwhile, at some distance from where the scene took place, a black high end car stood there, the men inside the car had been quietly observing everything that had been taking place there.


The man who was sitting on the driver's seat, coughed and said, "That girl, she is fierce."