But that very second, a panel opened in front of her eyes again. It was the system's panel. Zeva whipped her head to look at Lia with evident annoyance, who pursed her lips and hurriedly waved her hand to dismiss the screen.

Zeva stood up and walked towards the men who creating a scene there and were on the verge of breaking into physical fight.

The stall keeper dusted himself and just stood up, and was about to turn towards Zeva to thank her, when he saw she had dissapered from her place. Where did she go? She was here a moment ago, wasn't she? But then, oh-! She was marching towards those hot blooded guys, angrily.


The red head guy had already caught one of the other groups' men's collar, and was about to fasten a punch, when he noticed that most of them were looking behind him, and hence so, he too turned back. And when he looked at Zeva, he was stunned for a moment, before narrowing his eyes.