He chuckled and said, "That's not very nice of you, Miss Zeva. It seems you did not tell Lia the truth. It's alright. It's just a normal check up, and Lia doesn't fear it, isn't it Lia?"


That moment, Lia looked at the doctor and her eyes got filled with tears and she said, "Shut up! I am not afraid. I am horrified!"

"…" Speechless turned the doctor.

"…" Speechless turned the assistant.

"…" Speechless turned Zeva. Though at some point, she had already expected this behavior by Lia. Zeva had an inkling that Lia would never agree to come for a check up, if she tolf the truth. And that came true. But whatever, now that they were here, they had to do the check up. Her gums and teeth were important!


Lia looked at Zeva with her tear filled eyes and said , "Zeva! You are a bad person! You are a bad, bad, person! You- You lied to me!"