The check up was done, and Lia and Zeva got out of with clinic. Lia was holding Zeva's hand with one hand and with the other hand she was holding a plush teddy.

The teddy was given by the doctor to Lia as a reward for being obidient and cooperating with him like a good girl throughout the check up. And now she was a happy Gippy.

Zeva side eyedly looked at the little girl, who now was smiling widely looking at the toy. And she said, "See, didn't I say it wouldn't pain. But you remember what the doctor said, right? That you have been eating a lot of chocolates, and that must be reduced. Also, don't forget to brush twice a day."

"Yes, I heard him." Lia nodded her head. And she gleefully said. "That doctor was a nice person. And handsome too."