Damien took a deep breath, and then started explaining what happened, and why he was calling her Boss, and the rules of the Gang, etc.

Zeva heard him all. And though it was still very much confusing and a matter that would go above her head, she still decided to hear it all first. She then turned to the red haired man and said, "Now Heron, you say."

 Heron also started saying his part of the matter, which was also not very much different that what Damien said. And after listen of all this, Zeva looked at Lia with a funny expression on her face, who looked back at her with equally confused face.

Taking a deep breath, Zeva rubbed her palms on her face, and then looking back at the two who looked at her with a serious face, she kept quiet for a second before saying, "Are you both playing a prank with me?"



Both of them were taken aback by this out of nowhwere question. And blinking their eyes, they answered, "No. Why would we?"