"Miss Zeva, I hope you are not glaring at me again and again, because I am doing something wrong here? Or am I?"

Zeva shut her mouth instantly, and her face turned slightly red and she averted her gaze. She shook her head and said, "Nope! You are doing absolutely nothing wrong."

"Then may I know why were you sneaking glances at me?" Karl asked her, teasing."

Hearing him say that, Zeva's eyes widened. He noticed even that?! 'Stupid, be even more obvious!' She berated herself. 'And what type of question is that?! Don't you know that you are killing handsome?! How can I resist looking at you?!'

But no. She did not say that.

Clearing her throat, she said, "That, Mr Karl, the sight of you right now... *Cough* is not something I would have been able to imagine."

Hearing her, Karl raised an eyebrow and said, "Why, Miss Zeva? Do I look funny?"