Karl and Zeva looked out of the window, and the rain did not even start with a light drizzle or anything. It just started pouring out roughly outside.

Zeva walked to the balcony and looking at the downpour, she said, "Mr Karl, it's raining really heavily. Who would you go?" Karl looked at the weather too, and then said, "I have my car. The rain would probably slow down in a while."

A frown settled on Zeva's forehead as she saw how heavily, it was raining, and she said, "Wait. Let me check what the whether forecast has to say. "

Saying so, she went to fetch her phone, and Karl followed her.

Zeva unlocked her phone, and the first thing that took her attention was 178 messages! 178 freaking messages!? Which ancestor of her's suddenly wake up from the grave and started missing her?! Zeva thought to herself bewildered.

Then then opened the messaging app, and saw that the messages were spammed by Damien and Heron both! This two men!