Out of Line

"Well, if you aren't aware, you almost screamed the whole house down. Plus you kept on shouting for help. I honest to God thought that something happens to you" Asher said with a confused scowl on his face.

"I don't need your help, you can go" I muttered taking another step back when I hit the chair behind me.

"Why are you moving backwards?" Asher asked with narrowed eyes.

"Nothing, I just feel like , or is there now a rule that says I can't " I said snottily raising my chin.

"You're afraid of me" Asher finally said in surprise , studying my face.

"Why are you afraid of me, Have I ever given you a reason to do so Audrey ?" He continued moving forward towards me.

Out of nowhere my brain decided to realise that it was the first time that he was using my real name.

And my brain which I refuse to believe was part of me, really liked how it rolled of his tongue. He made my name sound very pretty.

I shook my head quickly pushing my hands in front of me ," What do you think you are doing Asher?" I asked on that voice you used when trying to tame a cat.

" I'm proving that you're afraid of me".

" Are you so jobless, or do you just not like sleep?"

" Well, it depends on what I'm spending my sleeping time doing"

" Go away, Asher" I rolled my eyes .

" No!". " Prove that you're not afraid of me" He continued as he took some steps towards me.

I took another step back bumping into the chair , trapped, with nowhere to go.

" Why are you moving back?"

"Because it is my room and I can do any bloody thing I want to do " I said in frustration and panic

There was barely any space between I and Asher now.

" Have you ever heard of breathing space or Private space, you know, those things that normal people give to others" I asked snidely.

' I'm not pretty sure, but I think I should have. But if I have not, why don't you teach me" Asher said in a light tone, a smile pulling at his lips as he tilted my chin to meet my eyes.

" I don't like you. Go away!"

" Ouch, that would hurt , if I actually did care"

" Please leave , I'm glad you don't care after all" I said exasperatedly.

" Because I said I don't care doesn't mean I'm not curious about you, you're hiding something. And I'm very curious as to what that secret is"

" Get the fuck away from here" I yelled and pushed at his sturdy chest and barely made him stumble.

" Now you're getting physical" Asher chuckled.

I snorted.

" I can't believe you're finding this funny, you prick. Get out" I whispere yelled pushing him again.

Suddenly he grabbed both my hands and held them with his.

" Release me" I commanded whilst struggling against his grip

" Calm down and hear me out"

" No, I don't want to"

" Well, that is rude then"

" I don't care either, you're interrupting my sleep" I rolled my eyes, pulling against him to release my hands.

" You were barely even enjoying the sleep, stop acting like you were reveling in it when all you were doing was screaming from a night mare"

I stayed quiet and watched him.

" I'm sorry, that was out of line" he said, decent enough to look sorry.

" You think that was out of line. This!. This is out of line, you bring in my room is out of line, you acting the way you're acting is out of line, you trying to provoke me is out of line, holding my hands is out of line. Every fucking thing you are doing Asher is out of the fucking line"

Asher suddenly released my hands letting them fall to my side and hurriedly took a step back.

His face was scrunched in something that seemed like pain.

" I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me. I should go" he said searching my eyes, his eyes looked hopeful. Like it seemed he wanted me to stop him from going.

" Yes you should" I muttered .

He nodded and walked towards the door. Then suddenly he stopped,

" If you're having issues falling back asleep, you should drink some warm milk or something" he muttered as he left the room and closed the door.

Immediately the door closed , I ran to it and locked it from inside, when I had done that, I heaved a huge sigh, I didn't even realize I was holding my breath.

What the hell was that all about? That was not the Asher I had met at the stairs who scowled and acting like a dick. Or the one who had acted like a royal jerk in school .

Gosh everything was so confusing and infruriating, Asher was conclusively the most annoying and confusing person I had ever met in my life, one minute he was hot, the other minute he was cold.

It was like a continuous cycle and it was beginning to give me a backlash , I did not know how to act around him.

Whether I should be rude or be normal. Argh, I really did despise Asher

I climbed back into my bed knowing I would be unable to sleep anymore and just stared at the ceiling waiting for morning to come.


"That must be Steph" I said to Lilah as I grabbed an apple from the bowl slinging my bag on my shoulder .

"Have a nice day, okay?. Though I don't still get why you're going to school so early today" Lilah said as she wiped her hands on her apron.

" Well, you know I'm still pretty new to the school and all, so there's alot to catch up on and Steph offered to help me " I lied through my teeth forcing a smile.

"Okay, okay, I get. Go have fun with Steph and don't forget to tell her about my invitation" Lilah with a smile and a wave , I waved back and walked out of the house in an in human speed.

" You have alot of paying back to do. " Steph muttered immediately I slipped into the car, her head was bent over the wheels, her thick black hair scattered all over.

" Yes, I know but the situation was dire" I murmured.

" You must have been at the point of death for you to have dragged me out of my bed this early in the morning"

" Well I think I was" I murmured again.

" I can't survive without my morning coffee, let's go and grab some before we talk" Steph adjusted her glasses as we both put on our seat belts and she zoomed off.

We alighted at a cozy coffee shop. It was sparse and as Steph claimed, it was the best in town.

I orded for a frappucino whilst Steph ordered for black coffee with no milk or sugar.

I stared at her in dismay as she gulped down two cups of hot black coffee with not interruption.

" So where were we?"

" I think we were at the point were you just gulped down two cups or pure black coffee, what kind of monster are you Steph. I'm worried" I said with mock worry in my voice as Steph burst out laughing.

" Ha ha ha, very funny, you're not escaping this one. You must explain to me why you had me out of bed this early, so I need not sharpen my knives" Steph said with alot of seriousness.

" Okay, okay, okay, I will tell you". I muttered.

Suddenly I froze.

" You must be kidding me" I muttered with my mouth hanging open in shock.