
Steph quickly turned back to see what I was staring at faster than I have ever seen her move and having seen her all morning acting like she didn't have an ounce of strength in her, I had come to the conclusion that my friend might be a tad bit crazy.

I grabbed her hand with one hand and my Fraps with the other and we ran into one of the closed off booths.

It was located in such a way that they would not be to sight us.

"Fuck! , Is it my lack of sleep or too much coffee that is making me begin to imagine Blake and Asher " Steph muttered as soon as we settled into the booth.

" I would've really preferred if it was because unfortunately I can see them "

" Wait, didn't you talk things out with Blake yesterday. After all you guys stay in the same house "

" I actually did not" I muttered under my breath

" I heard that"

" Well, I meant for you to hear it. Why do you think I said it" I scowled at Steph who rolled her eyes at me.

" That is high level toxic. Do you know you're toxic" Steph asked me, her eyes wide as she reached out for my cup of frappucino.

" What!?"

" Yes, how on earth are you able to avoid seeing or talking to someone you live with. That's some high level ninja toxicity stuff."

" I think you're high on coffee. Unhand my fraps" I hit her hand as I grabbed back my coffee

" Your what?"

" My Fraps"

"What the fuck is Fraps?" Steph asked in bewilderment.

" Ohhh, that, it is like a short name for Frappucino. Saying Frappucino all the time is such a bother. So I shortened it to Fraps" I replied with a grin.

" Why are you acting crazy, Audrey?" Steph asked in a mock worry voice.

" I'm not crazy, well not as much as you are " I muttered .

Suddenly Steph swung her hand at me and I quickly dodged.

" Please remind me to stay away from you on the mornings you're so unpredictable and scary. Can you explain why you just swung your hand at me" I asked Steph with my eyes wide ope in shock.

" Well my hands were stiff. I wanted to check if they still work and you were there " She saud with a grin playing at her lips.

" Have you ever been to the psychiatry unit" I asked Steph as I took a sip of my melted iced coffee

"Uhm, no"

"Are you sure?"

" Yes, I am "

" Think hard about this Steph"

" I'm pretty sure about this" Steph said grabbing my coffee from my hand.

I stared at her in surprise.

"Where you dropped as a child?" I leaned into the table staring at her.

" Well, I'm not pretty sure because I have heard quite a lot of controversies surrounding my birth" Steph murmured as she drained all the coffee on the cup.

" Yeah that checks out"

" What?"

" You know. You being unhinged" I muttered

"Gasps!" Steph shouted in mock gasp

"That is not how to gasp, Steph "

"Are you teaching me how to gasp , Audrey?"

"No I'm not teaching you how to gasp, I'm merely trying to show you what society understands as a gasp" I rolled my eyes as I remembered the reason for the start of this insane conversation. Asher

I looked up and at the same moment Asher's eyes met mine, his piercing glance made me shiver to my bones and made my teeth clatter.

My reaction to that made me stare back at him hard, but after a moment I couldn't hold it in any more, I diverted my eyes as Asher released a smirk

" Stupid idiot" I muttered.

" What?!"

" No, not you" I said again.

" I know it is not me. But we're you just playing eyesis with Asher right now" Steph asked, her tiredness and glasses forgotten.

She leaned so much into the table that I feared if she leaned any further she would probably merge with the table.

" First off , what the hell is eyesis" I asked Steph in confusion

"What?, You don't know eyesis" Steph asked in shock.

" Well, this is the first time I'm hearing the word, ever. So I suppose I actually do not know it. So like why don't you just explain what it means" I asked her curiously

" No, no, I'm leaving that as an assignment for you. You should go find it out but nonetheless why were you and Asher staring at each other. Something is amiss here. You guys went from all staring with hatred to keeping long eye contacts." Steph asked making weird faces to describe the stares.

" I highly doubt we were staring at each other like that, that eyes look like a Yeti or something like that" I murmured

"Yetis aren't real, now answer me!"

"They are too, Have you ever been to the Everest?" I asked her

"Well, no I have not but neither have you".

" Ahhhhh, well . I will have you know that I watched Abominable and I definitely believe they are real" I said with alot of conviction whilst Steph gaped at me like I had suddenly developed two heads or something

"What, why are you staring at me like that " I asked her shifting in my seat and feeling self conscious whilst she just kept staring.

"Steph! Stop that!" I said, raising my voice

"I need to digest this" Steph replied absently.

" Digest what?"

" How on earth do you conclude that Yetis are real from watching a cartoon " Steph asked in confusion.

" Ohh, I don't know, I just feel it" I muttered

"Ah!" Steph shouted

" What is it Steph?"

" I see what you're doing"

" What am I doing?" I asked in confusion.

" You're trying to divert my attention by changing the topic to something so insignificant that you know I would make a big deal about. But your luck has ran out girlie. Now tell me, What is going on between you and Asher" Steph asked, her gaze not leaving mine for a second.

' Okay, okay, I'll tell you what you want to hear, but they have gone, so let's get to school. I will tell you in the car. Agreed?" I asked as Steph stuck out her pinky finger.

"What is that for?" I asked her

" This is the pinky promise also known as the pinky swear. Promises made on this pinky can never be broken and if broken . It is said that a lot of bad luck will follow that person. So it is like the most effective means of promise".Steph said as I shook my head on disbelief and I stuck out my pinky finger.

She interlocked both Pinky's and asked me to repeat my promise which I did before she finally agreed for us to get going to school.

As soon as we entered into the car and fastened our seatbelts Steph turned to look at me, gesturing for me to fulfill my promise.

"Start driving" I motioned as she scowled and put the key into the ignition.

"Drive" I shouted at her.

"Okay, okay" she said laughing.

When we parked the car in the parking lot, we realised that we arrived at school with alot of time to spare still.

I decided to get it done with so that Steph won't pulverise me with questions all day.

" Well last night, we spoke, that is just it. Although he acted very different from how he was in school. He also acted like he had no idea of what happened in school. Like he was a whole different person . But last night, he seemed concerned and thoughtful. But it was probably a farce and just a plan of his to get me to let down my guards." I muttered

" I really thought you guys had something. There is this underlying tension betwee. The both of you and there are sparks, there's boom! There are fire works" Steph said dreamily as I shook my head in denial

" There's nothing like that, there's no spark between us except hatred or dislike" I muttered

" Do you think he has a twin?"

" Uhn?!"

" Yes, an evil twin who has been swapping with him with the purpose of ruining his life. What if he is in danger. Picture this

Headlines: Asher Dominguez, son of political guru and business mogul , kidnapped by evil twin who is set out to ruin his life.

I can just imagine how many likes and comments I would get on such story"Steph said getting another dreamy look in her eyes.

" That's the most stupid thing I have ever heard Steph. There are no theories behind this, he is just a mean ass trying to play games with me, nothing more." I said with conviction.

" It's okay, come on . Let's get to class" Steph said as we got out of the car.

"But is he that bad, I can't imagine he could be such a jerk " Steph muttered as we walked down the hallways.

" He is awful. Totally awful. He is a privileged spoilt little brat, with mummy and daddy on speed dial who has gotten so bored with his life that he is set to destroy other people's life" I said a tad bit louder than I had intended to

" Is that what you think of me?" A gruff voice I recognized clearly said
