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The princess vessel left the safe waters of the Fire Nation. And if I was impressed with the gates of Azulon: a huge steel net with a statue in the middle of the bay was a perfect line of defence for the capital of such a militarised country against any ships, then the blockade on the border impressed me even more. A huge line of over a hundred military battleships patrolled the border, thus perfectly showing who dominates the sea. Dozens of ships sailing a single route from horizon to horizon - it was impressive.....

The number of huge battleship-class ships, with thousands of people on board, was staggering. It was almost impossible to deal with such an obstacle with bare strength with the current level of technology and the numbers of the Fire Nation's enemies. It was no surprise that with such a defence, the people felt as safe as possible while on their islands. In the entire history of the century-long war, the fleet and army of the land had never been able to break through even the first line of defence.

Leaving the safe waters, the princess ship continued to sail through the territories of fire, but these were already territories that had been captured during the century war. Here there was no longer a non-zero chance of encountering pirates, or even earth mage ships. And in keeping with the new dangers, some changes were made on the princess' ship. The first thing was a briefing, after that all patrols and outfits were strengthened, all portholes were forbidden to open without necessity, as well as to be on deck at night without necessity.

In short, the ship was on full alert, and almost every night Azula conducted personnel checks, keeping the soldiers in a constant state of alert. The military were not mere yungas, but combat veterans, so everyone took it for granted. And, of course, none of this applied to the personal staff of Zula's maids. We had our own plans for them....

It was early afternoon, the ship was bobbing on the waves as usual. The sun shone brightly in the sky. Soldiers and patrolmen were going about their business. And at the same time, I was also busy doing my business in the princess' servant state suite.

- Ahem! Ahem! Ahem! Ahem... can't, ha ha ha ha ha ha... can't take it anymore... ticklish! It tickles, Mistress!!! - another maid couldn't stand my abuse and started laughing. At the same time, I was performing a healing technique, running my glowing blue palms, which were glowing with fire, over her bare back.

- Be patient," I coldly told the girl who had distracted me. I was going to work with this girl some more before I changed maids.

At the temple, we learnt all the knowledge of this technique. I was even able to master it without mutilating a single patient. Unfortunately, I still haven't learnt how to heal. Only practice will help. That's why we decided not to stay in the temple - we can practice on the road.

It was on the maids that Azula and I decided to practice fire healing. At first I jokingly suggested May for this role, but Zula flatly refused to use her friend as a test dummy. She never realised it was a joke. And of course I was the first to train, as the princess was not doing well in this case.

While the girl shuddered under me, holding back her laughter, I tried to figure out what I was doing wrong. She was supposed to feel warmth, not tickling. The light is there, the fire is there, I can even see the structure of her body and the movement of Qi along with the chakra points, but something is still going wrong. Could it be because she's healthy? However, further experiments are needed. I had already learnt a lot of new things while confirming some of my hunches. The most significant thing was that Qi was not only inside people, or any living organisms, but everywhere, in plants, water, air... energy was everywhere, including spirits and probably even in space....

After a little while, the maid started twitching too much and laughing too loudly, and it was impossible to ignore. Having stopped the torture, I never found what my mistake was, but that was okay. There's time, girls too, you can continue, just with another maid.

At those words, my hands stopped glowing and the flames above them dissipated.

- That's enough. Get up, Lee. Jun, switch her," with those words I stop torturing the girl, standing up and turning to the other maid. There were only three of them in the room, the other two were busy working in the princess' suite.

- As you command, Mistress," the girl got up from the bed and got dressed, giving way to her already undressed colleague.

The ladies did not undress naked, the local analogues of bras hid everything intimate, and I did not order them to take off their trousers. I was not here to please my eyes, but for training, and Azula would not like such behaviour and would undoubtedly try to take control of her body. I can feel her embarrassment at the whole thing. Which, by the way, is somewhat distracting from the work.

Meanwhile, the girl has laid down on the bed and I've crouched on top of her, right on top of the girl's arse. In such a way that my hands had access to the maid's entire back. It took a small effort of will and mind to create the technique. It was unfamiliar to use, as it was a technique the princess was not proficient in. As a consequence, I didn't know it either, so I had to learn everything from scratch. A couple of moments later, my palms glowed blue again, and fire flashed above them.

This time I decided to act radically differently. It wasn't the first time the girl had been under me, so she was lying relaxed and not worried about anything. My hands slid down her back while my Qi, or rather our Qi and Azula's Qi, penetrated the body in the smallest doses I was capable of, giving me all the information I needed. The sight of a working human body was something I was comfortable with. It is a pity, only I see it, but on the other hand it is extremely convenient for healing. Aura, nervous, bone, blood... all the systems of a person and in addition to them chakra channels. So much room for a medic.

- What are you feeling? - I'm asking the maid a leading question.

- Warm, your hands are very warm, Mistress. You're making progress," she answered more than necessary, sensing she wasn't going to be reprimanded for it.

- You could say that, less talking, I want to check something else," it must have been a success, but she had to be sure of it.

After getting the maid not to laugh, I ordered the sai to be served to me. June immediately tensed up, as did the rest of the girls. The maids had been informed by Azula herself, but I still explained my actions. And it didn't help, June remained tense and the sai was very sharp, while the bystanders were watching me with pale faces, as if... oh yes, I was really going to cut their friend. The girls didn't dare to refuse the princess, but they didn't even know about such sacrifices. With all the laughter and my very kind behaviour, the ladies were somewhat oblivious. As I twirled the black sai, forged by Piandao himself, I somehow thought about the adequacy of my actions...

- Mistress..." the girl's voice came out in a frightened tone, her eyes clenched shut in anticipation of pain.

Transferring my gaze from the black blade to the girl's back, I spring into action.

- Ouch!... - The sharp movement of my hand was accompanied by June's squeak. - Is that it?

- Yeah, I didn't need it," I hand the sai back, licking the stranger's blood off the long and extremely sharp nail.

Other people's blood was nasty. The girls relaxed a bit when the cold weapon was gone from my hands and didn't pay attention to licking the nail. Even having Azula's memory, I never cease to be amazed from how much the princess intimidated everyone around her. And that memory... it still affects my thinking. Cutting up a girl in front of her friends... and I take it as the norm. It's horrible.

- Let's continue as usual, as soon as you feel anything, let me know," I warn June with a dispassionate face, once again creating fire healing.

- Yes, Mistress...

It didn't work the first time, but it didn't work the tenth time either. I knew how the technique worked, I could see the wound in all possible spectra, I theoretically understood what to do and had all the right skills for it. Soon the tiny scratch on the girl's back disappeared without leaving a trace! But I continued to train, driven by interest in what else this technique could do. Several times June alerted me when she felt pain, weakness, alertness, or the familiar tickle that most often occurred when I did something wrong.

The maids changed a few more times, but I got my way. Through good old-fashioned trial and error, I learnt some interesting things that only confirmed my assumption about the high potential of this technique.

- Go-o-miss..." the girl's voice sounded embarrassed. Her breathing became more rapid, the blood rushed to her face, and her body shuddered at times.

- What is it? Are you uncomfortable? - I asked the girl who was acting suspiciously.

- N-no, I'm fine. I feel fine," June replied timidly as she continued to enjoy the massage.

Yes, it was already a full-fledged massage, awakening many interesting and undoubtedly pleasant feelings in the girl. Of course, I felt her arousal almost immediately. And it wasn't that I know women so well, it was just that while we were connected by Qi, I could feel her emotions a little bit. This interesting effect was deliberate, and after receiving a kind of consent, my hands continued to give the young maid real pleasure.

The girl slowly began to wriggle under me. It was getting more and more difficult for June to hold back her oohs, ahhs and other moans. I continued my work, intending to bring the lady to the very end by massage alone, noting the growing embarrassment and arousal inside me, not all of which were mine. By the way, Zula herself was not in a hurry to show her displeasure with my actions in any way, which spoke volumes....

- Ah! Hah! Aah!

- Shall I stop? - I asked my victim with a kind of imperious pleasure, not stopping to bring her to ecstasy. I was beginning to feel something strange myself, as I began to move my hips, still sitting on my maid's bottom, without any desire to stop. That's what it's like, the excitement of women....

- Noooo. I... I can take it, I can take it Mistress!

- What a... strange workout," I hear Lee's surprised voice.

- Hush, don't distract Mistress," the older maid shushed her, who, like Lee, was watching my actions with a shocked look, unable to do anything about it.

- How... unusual," that calm voice?

Turning round at the familiar voice, my eyes instantly meet Mei's!

A second and a huge volcano of other people's feelings explodes inside me. I could hardly control my own feelings, and then the princess became too emotional. I felt like a blushing schoolboy who had been caught doing something embarrassing. My mind could feel the blood rushing to my cheeks. But I was better than that!

- May... - my restrained voice showed no emotion, only composure.

- Azula... - the princess's girlfriend replied in the same tone.

The other maids, as if sensing something wrong, began to pretend to be furniture. Even their breathing became many times quieter.

- How long have you been standing there? - I ask the poker-face girl, feeling quite stupid.

- I came, before the treatment became a massage, - May answers calmly, without changing her face.

- That's right. What are you doing here?

- I got bored, I looked for you, and when I found you, I decided not to interrupt your.... - she pauses, trying to find the right word, - training.

- Hmm..." I had nothing to say to her words.

I remember that this is the time when she and Azula usually train. Then it all makes sense. I was too caught up in my... ahem, business. Inside me, Azula's consciousness has already calmed down. Pulling herself together, the princess, demanded her body back. I didn't want to spoil my already fragile relationship with her, so we switched places. To the rest of us, it looked as if the princess stood up from her maid, covered her eyes, sighed, exhaled, then looked at the world as a completely different person.

"Here, you can deal with it yourself," I say to the princess, taking the most comfortable seat possible to face Zula's further actions.

Azula didn't waste any time.

- That's it for today. Clean up and get back to your duties," the princess said in a commanding voice, forcing the maids to stand in line, reminding the girls of their place.

- As you command, Madam," the girls replied unanimously, bowing to the departing princess.

- Do you have any questions? - Zula coldly asked Mei, as soon as they left the room.

- No.

- In that case, let's have a little sparring, this healing training is so tiring....

What did I expect? I was only worrying for nothing. No, it was Azula who was worried, but it's still unclear whose emotions were those? In any case, there would still be time to think about it.

The princess wasn't going to explain anything to her friend, I understood that, and Mei also understood that. Azula felt embarrassment, it was so unusual for a girl that she could become aggressive at any moment, purely in self-defence. Pressing her with questions would be a mistake. And why would the princess explain anything? It turns out May is more perceptive than she pretends to be. My interest in her grows every day.

Anyway, the girls went for a practice sparring session, and after a good fight, they went back to their routine. The princess's daily routine on the ship, as well as the other crew members, was of no interest to me. Back in Azula's tidy quarters, I picked up the book and continued reading. The book was fiction and not particularly interesting, but I needed to do something useful. And interacting with the material world as a disembodied spirit was a good workout.

Azula didn't return to her quarters until evening.

Before going to bed, I was to be her mentor. The girl had no sleep in any of her eyes, she was too eager to learn a new, previously unfamiliar technique. I had to explain everything I had done, everything I had achieved and everything I had learnt that day. After that, teaching Azula herself the technique. As I expected, the princess had a lot of trouble learning this technique. She didn't have phenomenal energy control like me, and fire healing was a real challenge for her. A challenge that I used to strengthen our bond.

Again and again she took up the technique, every day, devoting more and more time to training, but the results... they were negligible. Especially compared to mine. Whereas I grasped everything on the fly, Zula had trouble with every step on the way to learning the technique. She had no control or understanding, just desire and hurt pride. Nevertheless it was enough, on persistence alone she was quite active in learning a new technique. And, of course, I played on her hurt pride, within reason. A genius and master of fire, and can't repeat a "simple" technique.....

In addition, I did not forget to praise the girl, and show my faith in her undoubted success, as well as encourage her from time to time. Even though she pretended that such things were not important to her, I knew that she was pleased with my words. Our recent interactions had brought us much closer together than I could have imagined.

The very next day I continued to teach the princess, but about other things. Human interaction. I explained to her such concepts as friendship, family, love, society, respect... and she even started to listen sometimes! I'd tried to change her before, but it was all in vain. Now Zula listened to my opinion more often. She even started spending more time with her friend, taking my advice on how real friends spend their time.

And so the days on the ship went on. On the third day, Azula was able to create a fire healing technique on her own. On the fifth day, I allowed her to train with the maids. And on the sixth, the ship entered the harbour.