Yu Dao

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Yu Dao...

It was to this colony that the princess travelled to for inspection. Once at the port, she acquired transport for herself and her entourage and set out, riding a komodo rhino. The inspection, however, was only a pretext for visiting the city. The main reasons were appointments with the mercenary and Tai Li. The girl had no idea about the impending meeting with her friend, Azula decided to arrange a 'surprise' for her. These appointments were important to both me and Zula herself. It was because of them that we were sailing almost straight here, not visiting all the island groups on inspection, but we would get to them.

As I knew from Zula's memory, Yu Dao was the oldest colony, founded at the very beginning of the Centennial War. The city was located in the western part of the earth realm, not far from Yui Bay, there was also a river running inland near the city. Many roads paved with quality cobblestones led to this colony. This helped merchants to get goods to the regions faster and at a lower cost. And that's not to mention the industry: dozens of factories, a huge number of jobs and co-operation between the mages of the two elements. All of this was perfectly visible on the way to the city. Yu Dao was not only the oldest colony, but also the largest, most progressive and developed, including culturally.

On the approaches to the city, the princess and her escort were able to observe an interesting picture.

- Is this earth magic? - Mei asks interestedly, looking far to the east.

A new road was being built parallel to the road Azula was travelling on. And they were building it in a very peculiar way, using fire magic and airborne earth. When I took a quick look at this miracle, I noticed that only half a dozen people were building it, and they were doing it very quickly and skilfully.

From afar it was difficult to see anything in detail, but the co-ordinated work of the earth and fire mages was visible even from such a distance. It must be thanks to them that there were so many solid roads here. The colony was already almost a hundred years old, it was no surprise that there were earth mages working for the benefit of the Fire Nation. Some of the architectural things in this world were impressive in their monumentality and insanely difficult to build. Creating them without earth magic would be very difficult, if not impossible.

However... I don't remember anything like that in canon. That only made it more interesting.

"From the looks of it, it's definitely not water or air magic, by the method of elimination we can assume that yes, it's the very real earth magic," I join the conversation in a cheerful voice as usual, floating in the air next to Azula and Mei. There were a few dozen other escort people around, but I didn't care about them.

- Yes, that's exactly it. Interesting interactions between the two types of magic. Mayor Yu Dao will probably tell more than the ordinary workers," Azula replied thoughtfully, giving the workers a fleeting glance that they didn't even notice because they were far away and busy with their work.

The escort team, along with the imperial lady, continued on their way. Despite her usual appearance of equanimity, I could see Azula's interest in what was happening. It was a wonder to her, too, because the history books did not mention such details. Zula was probably already thinking about how she could use the earth mages more effectively for her own benefit. I, by the way, was also curious to see how other magic worked and how a mage's Qi behaved inside his body. But I held back, not wanting to be away from the princess for too long.

Soon, I could observe the high walls of the city with my own eyes. There were hundreds of roads leading out of Yu Dao. Hidden behind the walls were densely built apartment blocks. They weren't particularly impressive, but once inside the city, I noticed a big difference in all the architecture from the Fire Nation cities I had grown accustomed to.

The buildings had a slightly different style than the Fire Nation's. Their green slate roofs stood out in particular. While every Fire Nation city screamed Chinese culture, in this city I saw a more familiar European style. No pyramid roofs, just the familiar triangular ones. The houses, roads, arches, bridges, and more in this city had a different style than the Fire Nation was used to.

Having finished looking at the buildings, I turned my attention to the citizens of the city, who habitually parted in front of the imperial procession. At first glance, they were ordinary people, and to some extent, they were. Only the colours of their robes were much more varied, and the dominant colour was green. The variety of hairstyles and different types of clothing was a pleasant surprise, some of which were much looser and more revealing than the Fire Nation's robes. Otherwise it was the same as always, relatively poor people, relatively rich people, and a huge mass of middle class people. As always, I found no poor bums, and the local rich didn't carry a dozen kilos of gold, but were simply well-dressed citizens.

Along the way I kept turning my head like a tourist, looking at everything in the neighbourhood. Occasionally, I met Azula's slightly displeased gaze. Not immediately, but I realised what was going on. The princess was also curious, but she was not allowed to look at everything around her, and she was just jealous, unable to make me change my behaviour.

Finally, we reached the town hall. The mayor's residence was a cosy two-storey mansion. It wasn't very big, but it wasn't exactly small either. Another meeting of politicians over a cup of tea was not particularly interesting to me. We met, said hello, introduced ourselves, sat down to drink tea and discuss the latest news and politics, not the most official meeting, close to home. At this time, almost all of the princess's entourage, went about their business. With Azula remained only Mei, who as usual pretended to be furniture, always standing behind her friend's back.

I overheard their conversation and was about to go about my business, exploring the rooms of the mansion, when I suddenly discovered something strange. And I wasn't the only one who found it.

- ...Ahem." The princess interrupted, glancing at the doorway, behind which the unknown figure had instantly disappeared. - Mr Morishita, would you care to explain yourself?

- Excuse me? - The bulky man, who was also the mayor of the city, didn't understand.

- I remember you ordered the servants to leave us alone. One of them couldn't resist curiosity, she should be punished in full for such disobedience, - the stern voice of the princess promised punishment for violation of the order, the mayor hurriedly began to justify himself.

- No, my servants will not dare to disobey my word unless..." the man's eyes widened in realisation, and the next moment he bellowed with all his might: - Corey!

Out of the doorway appeared an embarrassed young girl - actually a teenager who had been caught in the act as they say. After Morishita's apology for her wayward daughter, the princess took my advice and decided to hear them out before deciding anything. This breach of etiquette and simply brazen behaviour certainly made my Zula angry, but not so much that she lost control.

A conversation with the mayor and his family revealed the following: the mayor's wife was an earth mage, and this gift had been passed on to their only daughter, Cory. There was nothing illegal about such a marriage. Except that it wasn't customary and was considered a bit immoral to dilute the blood of fire with the blood of other people. Racism in all its glory. The Mayor had decided to have the meeting alone rather than with the whole family, as was the custom of hospitality, but since it was all out in the open, he introduced his wife to Azula as well.

As for Cory herself, she was a fierce patriot and, as it turned out from the conversation, an idealist who was so passionate about her native nation. Which she sincerely considered to be the Fire Nation. The pathos of the young girl's speeches made me want to yawn and roll my eyes, and I wasn't the only one who felt that way, but Azula had to keep a straight face. That's the rules of local etiquette.

Kori was eavesdropping on an important meeting for a reason, but with the hope of talking to the princess in person.

- And what did you want to talk to me about? - Azula asked in a commanding voice, sitting across from the embarrassed girl with both of her parents sitting next to her. Their countenances displayed shame, regret, and fear. Unfortunately, Kori paid no attention to them. The young dreamer did not take her admiring gaze off the princess.

The girl wriggled a little, drew air into her chest, squeezed her eyes shut and said in one breath: "Please take me into the army!..

Silence was her answer. And then a heavy "ooh" from the mother, and a hand gesture to the face performed by the girl's father. From the look on their faces, one could easily realise that this was not the first time a daughter had shocked her parents.

- Your Highness, don't listen to her, she is still a child, she doesn't know what she is asking for, - the girl's mother actually intervened in the conversation.

- I'm talking to Cory right now," Zula replied immediately, pressing the woman with her gaze.

- Excuse me, Mistress Princess.

Setting the mayor's wife down, the princess shifted the imperious gaze of her golden eyes back to Kori, who looked at her expectantly.

"Earth mages could be useful in the military as well as other more peaceful industries. This colony is a fine example of the effectiveness of different magics working together. I see no reason to refuse. But at the same time, I don't understand why she's asking you for it," I said to Azula, ceasing my role as an invisible observer.

The princess gracefully arched her eyebrow in surprise and remained silent for a few seconds, thinking about the situation and the words she said. And only after thinking it over did she speak.

- As far as I know, women can join the army. Of course, the army is predominantly male, but there is no law that forbids a woman to serve under contract. You wouldn't lose face like that, put your family at risk of my wrath, if you could negotiate with the local garrison commander. The crux of your problem must be somewhat different? - In response to Azula's speech, the teenager's eyes shone even brighter.

- That's right, Madam. The thing is, I'm an earth mage, because of that, I've been refused to join the army every time. But I'm strong, I've trained hard, and I'm the best among Yu Dao's land mages. I can serve our people! Я...

- Enough, I understand your problem

"What an unfortunate omission. And yet, loyal earth mages could easily penetrate or even destroy any walls. Siege and capture fortresses with them would be much easier. It could be done, but I don't think we have much time," I said again. This conversation was suddenly very interesting in itself.

After pausing again to think, Azula replied in a confident voice.

- ''Your problem is understandable to me. However, the absence of earth mages in the army is a necessary measure. Or rather, it used to be a necessary measure. At the beginning of the war, there were no patriots like you. In the middle, having earth mages in the army would have made it easier for enemy spies. It was easier for them to sow confusion in our ranks. As for the current times, we are still at war with the earth realm and their two rulers, not to mention wasting energy on keeping order in the captured lands. The presence of earth mages is still not desirable in an army whose purpose is to oppose, first and foremost, the earth mages themselves.

- But I could be useful, I have many skills!

- You can be useful, but not on the front lines. Your presence in the army will be perceived as somewhat hostile. And it will be difficult to do anything about it until we win the war. However, you don't have to join the army to be useful to our country. I'm willing to look at your skills, you'll have a chance to change my opinion of you, but the army is off limits to you. Especially not until we win the war.

- No chance at all?

- In the present time, no," Azula replied coldly. But Cory didn't think of despairing, having grasped the main point.

- You mentioned my skills, do you want to see what I can do?

- Only after discussing a few important topics with your father. I guess this is the end of our conversation, you can be free to go," the princess looks around the family again, stopping on the man.

- Thank you for listening to me, Mistress," Cory gets up from the couch with his mother and leaves the room.

- Well, if we've cleared up this misunderstanding, let's get back to the purpose of my arrival....

Another conversation about politics and the efficiency of the local ruler was not interesting to me. Fortunately I didn't have to endure too much, just an hour and a half. In that time I had time to fully explore the house. I overheard Cory enthusiastically discussing with his mother the impression of Azula, and that was it. There wasn't much going on in the mayor's house. But I endured the time, wanting to observe the effects of earth magic. And in this I was not wrong.

After finishing discussing business with the Mayor, Zula decided to have a little sparring session with his daughter, seeing what she could do. At this time I was already inside my princess and advised her to be gentler with the girl. The fight itself wasn't particularly impressive, the teenager actually had no combat experience, could surprise a few times, but her reaction and speed left much to be desired. As a warrior and as a mage, Kori was such an opponent. At the same time, it was good for Azula to see the workings of other magic and the fighting style of earth mages live, not from books.

At this point, the day came to an abrupt end.

We arrived in Yu Dao at around noon, all the really important meetings had to be postponed to tomorrow. Talking to the mayor, his family, sparring and all of that took up a lot of time. The princess, as had happened before in other cities, was offered guest quarters while her entourage, with the exception of Mei, went to the local inns. The necessary experts were already at work, looking for irregularities in all the powerful citizens of the city. The soldiers had all had time to gain experience in the intervening time, having their hands full. They knew what needed to be done.

Also taking advantage of the situation, the princess learnt something personal. The first thing Azula learnt was about the waiting mercenary and the circus' upcoming performance. As for me, I had my own plans for the night. I wanted to learn and compare the workings of Qi in earth mages, with Kori as my test subject. Only, the unexpected happened. When everyone was asleep, I invisibly shadowed my way into the girl's bedroom. Trouble started almost as soon as I entered the teenager. I almost exposed myself, but luckily I didn't.

The thing was, my energy was in terribly aggressive conflict with Kori's Qi, and it started to harm the girl as soon as I entered her. I had to leave the teenager's body in a hurry to avoid irreparable consequences. I was a little scared for the girl's life, but I quickly pulled myself together, looking for reasons. Half an hour later I had some guesses about what had happened. And I was more than sure of them.

My energy is identical to Azula's. Previously, I had been successfully absorbed into fire mages and ordinary people, but with an earth mage there was a sharp rejection. And it was because of the completely different energies that were simply not compatible. This also explains the impossibility of any mage to learn more than one type of magic, energy is incompatible in one body, attempts to do so will lead to death rather than success. And only the Avatar, thanks to some Rava out there, can conquer all the elements. Of course, this may not be true, but overnight I was able to fully convince myself of my rightness on several more test subjects. Not a single mage I was able to possess for at least a couple of minutes without killing him. It was not a problem for a spirit to distinguish a mage from an ordinary person.

It made me think hard and strain my memory. I spent the whole night thinking about energies, their varieties and their influence on magic. And the next day, Azula and I had some really important meetings.