Chapter 27

On the day when Summer Mu resigned, it was a cloudy day. Grey clouds, like convolved waves, press down on the sky. When she walked past her colleagues' office area, she found the atmosphere to be equally dark and subtle. Someone was looking at her, someone was exchanging glances.

She remained calm as if she hadn't seen it. When encountering people on the road, he still showed a polite and humble smile as usual.

Until she reached the entrance of Meng's office. In terms of resignation procedures, she was only missing the last signature.

Meng was sitting on the sofa, smoking and reading documents. When he saw her come in, he put down his work without changing his expression.

"Mr. Meng, this is my resignation application. Please sign it. "said Summer Mu.

Meng took it, his gaze calm. He picked up his pen and signed his name on the last page. But instead of immediately returning it to her, he said, "Sit down, let's talk for a while."

Summer Mu's emotions towards him had always been complex. She didn't actually want to talk to him much, but there was some inexplicable impulse that drove her to sit down. She clasped her hands together and placed them on her thighs, calmly watching him.

Meng picked up his teacup and took a sip, saying, "Do you regret it."

"Regret, but not regret."

 Meng smiled slightly and said, "Summer Mu, you need to understand that many goals in life cannot be achieved solely through hard work. You will need the help of others, be insincere, and lower your head when necessary to exchange for something. You are very smart, the smartest salesperson I have ever met in so many years. But ultimately, you are a salesperson. Do you know that when you leave L, the nest where I have protected you well in these years, and walk out, you need to put in more effort than others, and compromise more, in order to achieve the same success as others."

Summer Mu remained silent.

Meng just took a puff of smoke, and the smoke slowly drifted onto her face. She didn't know if he meant it or not, if he looked down or didn't want to let go.

"You need to be more selfish and willing to give up on yourself. You are smart enough, but not snobbish enough. If you don't change, you will still be used by others in the future and will make bigger mistakes."

"Mr. Meng."Summer Mu said slowly," If the condition for standing out in this society is to live beyond recognition and not even know oneself, then I would rather continue to be poor, but live like myself. But I don't think it will be like this, it won't always be like this. There will definitely be many people like me. There will definitely be places where one can live well with talent and hard work. On that day, will you envy my life?"

Meng couldn't help but laugh at the childishness and unwavering determination in her words.

"No. "he said," This principle is the same everywhere."

Summer Mu also smiled, picked up the resignation document from the table, got up, and walked outside the door.

"If... "he suddenly asked behind her," Someone in the future makes the same demands on you as I do, at a greater cost, big enough to achieve or destroy you, would you really refuse?"

Summer Mu remained silent for a moment and replied, "I will never accept it."


Summer Mu bid farewell to Claire the next morning.

Claire also arrived at her home in the slums, with red eyes, helping her pack up.

"Is that all you have? "Claire patted her backpack.

"Mmm. "Summer Mu replied," I'm not coming back. Why bring so many things?"

Claire felt a pang in her heart and remembered another incident. She said fiercely, "It's all Beck's fault! He's too gloomy and ruthless! You still treat him like a friend, but he snatched your lychee and sold it for 5 dollars per kilogram in Y. Now Y has won a great victory, and L is completely depressed. But I don't think even Meng has anything to do, just continue to be a good store manager. Only you left, left."

 After a moment of drowsiness, Summer Mu said, "Actually, for the first few days, I also blamed Beck in my heart. But after calming down, I felt nothing more. He stood in his position, so what's wrong with doing this? If it were me, maybe I would do the same. It's me... public and private are not separated anymore. Heh... But you don't have anything to be angry about for me. Originally, whether lychee's matter was successful or not, I would have left L. Do I still have to face someone like Meng every day?"

Claire muttered to herself, "That's true. Summer Mu, where are you planning to venture into?"

At this moment, Summer Mu showed a brilliant smile and hugged her shoulder, saying, "Why should I mistreat myself? Meng still gave me a few more months' salary. I plan to go out for a trip first and think about a way out. Hey, we haven't taken a decent vacation in these years, do you envy me?"

As usual, Claire reached out and flicked her forehead, dispelling her worries. She smiled and said, "Yes, yes, I knew you wanted to go out and play long ago. I envy you so much. Be safe on the road and don't be deceived or abducted."

"Got it."

After a while, Claire said again, " Summer Mu, actually I support you to go out and explore. You shouldn't live like this, live like me. You should live better."


All the dust settled, and Beck left J by plane on a misty morning.

Cheng had fully recovered and had taken over the flourishing Y from him. She escorted him to the airport.

"Thank you, brother. "Cheng smiled sweetly," Do you mind if I come to disturb you often?"

Beck was only holding a small suitcase, wearing sunglasses, and said with a faint smile, "How could that be? From now on, you will be a big customer, welcome to come often."

Cheng smiled contentedly. Two people stood at the security entrance, with people coming and going next to them, and the marble floor was smooth and quiet. She suddenly had an idea in her heart - would Beck give her a polite hug?

Unexpectedly, he just nodded slightly, turned around and walked into the security checkpoint without any hesitation.

Cheng watched as his figure disappeared at the end of her field of vision, while outside the window, planes were rising and falling one by one. She thought that the Y battle was probably just a casual stroke left by a man like Beck in J. His company and his new career blueprint had just begun.

Beck slept for a while on the plane and suddenly woke up. He lifted his head and looked out the narrow window at the layers of clouds and tiny ant like buildings on the ground. Suddenly, in his mind, he remembered Summer Mu.

Since that day, the two had not been in contact. He heard that she had resigned from L and left J.

It was actually a posture of bidding farewell to everything and making a resolute decision with him.

Thinking of this, a cold smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

As soon as the plane landed, he took out his phone and held it in his hand for a while before calling up her number.

 "Come to my company, and become the marketing manager."

However, after a long time, until he returned home, his phone remained silent and she did not reply.

Beck suddenly became a little angry and threw his phone onto the sofa, never looking at it again.


A month later.

Beck's company was located in a magnificent office building. His company was not big yet, and there were not many people, only about twenty or so. The office was only rented for over 200 square meters, but the decoration was very exquisite and luxurious. The face of the company was very beautiful.

That afternoon, Beck was drinking coffee in the office. Many of the company's plans were still in the process of being implemented, but it was not yet time to fully push them forward. So he was still idle.

The secretary knocked on the door and came in with a puzzled expression, "Mr. Beck, someone is coming to the company for an interview."

Beck said calmly, "When am I going to hire someone?"

The secretary's expression became even more confused: 'But Mr.Beck, she said you asked her to come.'

Beck was taken aback for a moment, then suddenly smiled and said, "Let her wait in the reception room."

Summer Mu didn't expect that Beck made her wait for three hours. Until the sun set and the rosy glow dyed the entire reception room red, the beautiful and graceful secretary knocked on the door again and said, "I'm sorry, Miss Mu. Mr. Beck is really too busy and just had some free time. Please come over now."

Although Summer Mu waited anxiously, she also suspected in her heart whether Beck intentionally neglected her. But in the end, she persevered and followed the secretary towards his office.

Some staff members nearby looked up and noticed that Summer Mu's heart was beating faster. Under the afterglow of the setting sun, he was wearing a white shirt and trousers, with a meticulous tie. Sitting behind the boss's desk, looking down at the documents.

The secretary brought it to the door and walked out. The room was very quiet, and he didn't look up. Summer Mu spoke up, "Beck."

He put down the document and slowly leaned back into the chair, looking up at her.

"Why are you here? "He asked with a half smile.

Summer Mu suddenly understood that he was angry and why. For some reason, she didn't feel angry or embarrassed about it, but instead felt a warm calmness in her heart, like the twilight beside them. She didn't hold any grudges at all, for the knife he had stabbed her in the back before. After such a long time, those things seemed as distant to her as in her previous life. She can understand him, just like understanding herself.

So she smiled and said calmly, "I'm here to be your marketing manager."

 Beck looked at her calmly. Her face had darkened a bit, obviously from being exposed to the sun these days. The long black hair was tied up and coiled at the back of the head, appearing neat and clean. She specially wore a suit and short skirt today, with thin high heels on the ground, standing steadily but not relaxed. She looked straight at him with her clear and translucent eyes. But deep in those dark pupils, there was a faint hint of uncertainty, a weak sense of fear and hope.

Like a thin layer of white paper, seemingly smooth and straight. But in fact, once touched, it would break.

Beck replied calmly, "Okay."

Later on, Beck always remembered this afternoon. He had seen too many poor people, those who beg him. But for the first time in his life, his heart softened like sand due to the woman's momentary gaze.