Chapter 29

During the meal break, he took a financial magazine from the nearby bookshelf and came over to read it. Summer Mu thought to herself, this person was ruthless, but also very hardworking.

She carefully considered her language, took a sip of tea, and asked, "Mr.Beck, I want to ask why you asked me to come to your company."

Beck looked up and saw her clear eyes.

He had been called 'Mr. Beck' by countless people, but when this title comes out of her mouth, there is always a feeling of discomfort. He looked at her rare low brow and pleasing eyes, thinking to himself that it was probably this woman who called out without sincerity.

Call me Beck, "he said calmly."

"Oh... Beck."

Why did you let her come to your own company? This morning, the company's HR director entered his office and asked the same question.

"Beck, you have always had strict control over employment standards. You once said that non elite students should not be accepted. Because you don't have the leisure and energy to become a mentor and explore talents among low educated and low-level groups. But now, you have brought back a high school student. Is this gap too big."

The Human Resources Director was one of the first few people to start a business with him, and he also highly valued him. How did he answer at that time?

"Summer Mu's educational background is indeed not worth looking at. But if this person follows me and uses it well, she may be the sharpest knife in the business world."

 The HR director remained silent and nodded after a while, "Okay, I understand. I will also take care of her more."


Thinking about this, Beck looked at Summer Mu and smiled, "Does the boss need to explain the reason for hiring people to you?"

Summer Mu didn't want to talk to this person anymore.

The dishes were served one by one, looking extremely tempting. Summer Mu instantly forgot about this and didn't hesitate. She tasted each one and asked, "What is this made of?" "What kind of mushroom is this?" "This dish is delicious, what is it made of?"

Beck had never eaten anything good, but today he was still interested and explained everything to her. His appetite had always been poor, and today while talking to her, he even ate two small bowls of rice.

He had eaten almost, and the people around them had dispersed a bit, becoming much quieter. Beck slowly sipped his tea and watched as Summer Mu across from him put down his chopsticks with satisfaction.

"May I ask you another question? "She said.


"Why did you choose to start in the clothing industry after returning to your home country?"

Beck put down his teacup and gently rested his arm on the back of the chair next to him. In a moment of staring, he took an empty glass from the side and placed it between the two of them.

 Summer Mu didn't know why.

"Any industry will have its embryonic stage, rapid development stage, stable stage, and decline stage. Finally, it will either die or undergo transformation and regeneration. It will turn again and again."he said.

Summer Mu stared at him and nodded. No one had ever discussed the highly technical aspect of 'industry' with her, so she instinctively listened very attentively.

"In the past decade,clothing industry has entered a period of rapid development." He picked up the kettle and filled the empty glass cup.

Summer Mu thought so. She had memories of these years in her mind, seeing clothing stores running everywhere on the streets and alleys. Many brands had sprung up like mushrooms after rain.

"The best times are often the worst times. "he looked at her calmly." In the past few years, almost anyone who entered this industry could make money. However, the quality, service, and quality are uneven. It can even be said that most of them are inferior products - OEM production, outdated management, and outdated service. They have established a brand solely through advertising and marketing."

"It seems so. "she replied.

He lightly tapped the edge of the overflowing glass with his finger and said, "Now, development has come to a standstill."

"Hmm. "That's true. Although there were still so many clothing stores, it was rare to see any brand, and they were still expanding and opening stores on a large scale, already saturated.

He leaned back slowly and smiled, saying, " Business development is very fast, and customers' purchasing power and requirements are constantly improving. They will no longer buy inferior products like before. At the same time, the clothing industry is also constantly impacted by e-commerce. Therefore, after stagnation, it will decline. Do you believe it or not, in a few years, the vast majority of clothing companies that are still thriving will experience a sharp decline in performance, large-scale store closures, and then die."

Summer Mu's heart trembled. Large scale deaths? She couldn't believe his cruel prophecy. But her intuition told her that what he said was likely to come true.

"Weren't you self-taught in studying the supply and demand curve? "Beck said," Everyone will die, only interests are eternal. If existing clothing brands are eliminated, they will inevitably give up a lot of demand and profit space. Who will get this new huge profit?"

Summer Mu looked at him silently.

 He reached out and picked up her chopsticks, picked up two plump orange red carrot sticks, and threw them into the glass: "High quality, new entrants with obvious style differences from them will quickly plunder most of their profits. This may be the worst era for them. For excellent entrepreneurial enterprises, it is also the best era. That's why I chose to enter clothing industry at this time."

Calm down around. Beck picked up the teacup again and drank slowly. Summer Mu looked at his slender fingers clasped on the teacup, at his slightly open shirt collar and black short hair by his ear, and her heart was silently stirred by his words. She actually felt a vague excitement, aroused by his words, from the depths of her heart.

Beck glanced at her as if he had understood all her feelings and thoughts at the moment, and smiled.


The sun set in the west, and Summer Mu walked towards the bus stop under the rosy glow. The office building where was located, like a silver giant, stood tall on the ground behind her.

The phone rang and she picked it up, "Hey, girl."

The noisy voice of Claire came from the phone, as if carrying the unique rough and common taste of J city: "Oh, it seems like you're in a good mood. Where are you still having fun?"

Summer Mu replied, "I am in B city."

"What are you doing in B city?"

"I'm working at Beck's company."

After a few seconds, Claire said, "I really can't figure out what you guys are thinking. You're fucking him, and he's fucking you. And then the two of you even ran into each other. Pooh, forget it, I don't care about those business matters anyway. But Summer Mu, you don't seem like someone who doesn't hold grudges. You're not... going from hate to love and falling in love with him, are you? You have a shaky physique."

Summer Mu chuckled and immediately retorted, "How is that possible! He just has good job opportunities here. And I don't care about past grievances."

"Oh... did he ask you to go?"

Summer Mu's heart moved slightly and she replied, "Hmm."

 Claire said, "Is he interested in you? To be honest, last time he gave you a phone, I thought the way he looked at you wasn't quite right."

Summer Mu paused for a moment and replied, "How is that possible? He won't like me."


Beck bought a house in B city as soon as he returned last year. Because he didn't like living in other people's homes.

The house was very close to city center, only a 5-minute walk away. The spacious three bedroom apartment with over thirty floors offers a panoramic view of most of B city. He was good at socializing, but not someone who was passionate about socializing and having fun. If he had nothing to do after work, his life was simple: having a meal at the western restaurant downstairs, taking a shower at home, watching the news, or dealing with unfinished work. Occasionally, he also watched DVDs.

After he returned home that day, he had little interest in work. But sitting on the sofa, looking out at the dazzling lights, the image of Summer Mu comes to mind.

After parting ways in J city, he rarely thought of her. He occasionally think of it, but quickly forgot about it. It felt like a wonderful thing. When she reappeared in front of him, he always thought of her from time to time these past few days. Remembering her standing in the office yesterday, looking at him firmly and weakly; Remembering her sweet smile towards every colleague; he also remember the way she ate lunch with her eyes shining brightly. And just now, he stared at the light across from her and was lost in thought, reminiscing about her blush today.

Beck thought about it and chuckled somewhat self deprecatingly. Got up, turned off the light, and lied down on the bed.