Chapter 22: Strip You Naked

"Wifey, I thought you were sleeping, so I don't want to wake you up," Alexander remarked, walking up to her and sitting next to her, "How are you feeling now?" he said calmly, and Inara furrowed her brow in confusion.

"Is there anything wrong with me?" she inquired. Alexander touched her forehead and wiped away the sweat, "You're running a high fever, but you'll get well soon if you rest more," he replied, and Inara grinned involuntarily; this was the first time he cared excessively about her, "Is this our personal room?"

"Yes, we came back few minutes ago, and you have been running a fever before our arrival here, "Oh. I didn't notice that, I must have been sleeping so deeply that I had no idea how we had arrived. Did we get here on horseback or carriage?" she asked, softly pursing her lips. Alexander smiles as he watches her excitedly waiting for his response, "You're smiling, my husband," she giggles, and he realizes he has been smiling.

"You just smile; can you smile? This is the first time I've seen you grin, and you should keep that smile. You may have abruptly altered, "Your words are quite hillarious, wifey. Do you believe I would change? You want me to?" he inquired, and she quickly shook her head no.

"I want you to be like this, I don't like when you're always frowning your face," she admitted honestly, smiled sheepishly. Alexander surprisedly matched the smile, "I want us to behave like a real couple, and I would try to smile more frequently," Inara's stomach growled in hunger, and she stroked her tummy to indicate how hungry she was.

"I'm hungry, "What did you want to eat? The maids will deliver it here, "Not in the garden? Are you...., "You can't go there yet; remember, you need time to fully recuperate. So, what do you care to eat?"

"My favorite, but will you dine with me? You are always leaving me alone to eat my meals," Inara pouted bitterly, "Yes, I am not leaving anytime soon. I planned to stay with you throughout the day, so rest assured. I'm all yours to claim," Alexander responded, making her happy. He wanted they could stay this way every day, rather than abandoning her to accomplish most things on her own.

Shortly later, the maids brought in their lunches, which included a variety of delicacies, and some delicious fruits, "Aren't these too much for the both of us?" Inara inquired after the maids had departed, "You need some time to recover fully, wifey," he said, and she gently shook her head in acknowledgement.

She started eating hungrily, but after running through the meals for a few minutes, she saw he wasn't eating, "What? Is….., "You're eating like a kid," he sneered, and she frowned sweetly, wiping away the meal stain from her lips, "If I said you were eating like a kid, you shouldn't be upset. Have you forgotten that you occasionally behave like one?"

"When? I don't remember saying….., "The first day I observed you drinking liquor, which was certainly your first time. You should not try it again, the day I discovered you couldn't write, you were as anxious as a kid. Am I correct, wifey?"

"No," Inara objected almost immediately, Alexander leaned closer to her and said sweetly, "Prove it, "That's because you made me concerned; I was excitedly waiting for you to return safely, but when you arrived, you disregarded me. That only arouses my emotions," she confessed poutily, and he could see sincerity in her eyes.

"I realized I'm not worth of you; I harmed you emotionally and physically, so…., "You're worth it to me, and I never regret becoming your wife, "I'm sorry for everything, and I'm going to make things right, just the way you've always wanted us to be. You don't have to worry about me having mistresses because I'm only yours," Alexander stated, surprising her. Was he apologizing for his mistakes?

"You've always been forgiven by me, and I'm glad you've finally accepted me as a wife, "After you finish eating, come watch something. I'll take you there myself," he said, and smiled at her. Is this actually her husband?


Inara entered the training ground and observed Alexander practicing sword skills with Loxley. She was surprised to witness a lady fight with a man with courage, "Why is he practicing with her?" Inara inquired anxiously, pointing the question at Forest.

"She challenged Young Master for a duel, and she really has to be the winner because a terrible punishment await her if she turns out to be the loser, "But, without a doubt, he would, "Well, since she challenged him, my lady?" Forest remarked, as Inara stormed out. She couldn't believe he was doing this; he has more strategies for winning. 


"My lady, why are you so angry? Young Master would not have wanted you to come if…, "Then he shouldn't have invited me over to watch that," Inara interrupted Yivanne short.

"Your Highness, I would like you to remain calm. I do not like it when you're upset," Yivanne pouted bitterly. Inara realized she had been yelling and pulled her into a tight hug, "I apologize, Yivanne. You want to tell me something? I am delighted to hear you, "I met him again today, "Zephyr?"

"Yes. And he acted strangely; his eyes were flaming, yet he said I could be the only one to stop it. He did the most…, "Kissed you! You had your second kiss?" Yivanne was hesitant to respond, "Yes, what about you?" since she expected Inara to be angry, "Has Young Master kiss you yet?"

"Yes. Not once, but twice, he was gentle. Don't worry, Yivanne; as long as you want to be near him, I will always support you. He likes you, and I know you do, right?" Yivanne couldn't say anything for a few minutes, "I agree, my lady. I enjoy being with him, "Then quit scaring him away with your fears. I vow that no one will ever know about this,"


It was late at night, and Inara was watering the flowers with a pleasant smile on her face. She had always wanted to grow flowers, but she was never allowed to. Despite the fact that it was violently raining, she never left her spot, even though her clothes were completely soaked.

"What are you doing out here?" Alexander inquired, "Watering the flowers and growing new ones. Aren't they beautiful?" she asked with a grin, "Yes. But this is not good for your health; you could become sick, "I'd like to change my dress," she remarked, standing on her feet.

"I bought you one, you can change over there," he said, giving over a dress to her; she excitedly received it and tried to walk, but he grabbed her wrist, "Inform me if you need anything, I'll be nearby, "I'll certainly do so,"

Inara approached him after a few minutes, shouting in lovely in her dress, even though it was plain, "I want us to hang out in the rain," she blurted. Alexander arched his eyebrows in surprise, "It's raining, you need to get back inside," Alexander remarked, and immediately carried her in a bridal style.

"You're already wet; we can talk inside, wifey," he carried her into their personal room and laid her down on the bed, "I'm obsessed with your eyes, my husband. Maybe that is why I am happy to be your wife," she added, fiercely biting her bottom lip.

Alexander couldn't make passionate eye contact with her, because he felt the need to seize her body, "My hand aches so terribly, can you apply…., "Show me your injured hand," Inara put her hand forward, and he peered at her wound, squeezing it hard.

"We aren't in our personal room, so no treatment oil is available, but this would help," he said, as he crushed her palm the more. Inara whimpered in pain, eventually she bit her bottom lips weakly and it drew blood, "It hurts, my husband; could you just stop…," Alexander paused before she could finish her sentence, and Inara gazed at him, surprised that she claimed his lips furiously.

But he slowly kissed her back; she was kissing him more maturely than previously, but he was still not content. He plunged his tongue deep down her throat, ravaging her lips with want. He was extremely enamored with his wife, but he did not want to push things with her, "Your wound needs to be treated," he stated abruptly, breaking away from their kiss.

"Why does my throat burn when we kiss? My entire body, actually; they are always on fire whenever your lips met mine," Inara said, "Stop doing crazy things; you won't be able to finish, wifey. Next time, I will not show mercy, but vengeance. I'll be compelled to breach my commitment to you; don't push me too hard, so you don't start hating me,"


Curiosity drove Inara to enter the room unaware; she had been waiting for Alexander to summon her over a few hours ago. When she stepped in, she noticed that he was wearing a towel instead of a cloth. Fortunately, her eyes did not notice his exposed areas.

"I apologize, I'll be leaving….," the next minute she felt her body crushed agressively against the wall, "Where to, wifey?" he asked hoarsely, "Outside," she replied, stuttering and unable to breathe, "Are you embarrassed to witness your husband undress before your eyes?"

"I'm not just shy; I can't watch you naked. Let go of me, please," she begged. He smiled and pressed her hands against the wall even tighter, "Tell me, what if I ask you to undress and dress me up, are you going to do it?"

"No, "I understand, but do you think we could do something else, wifey? What could that be?" he asked with scarsam, thinking of a nice solution, and he could feel her apprehension, "My husband?"

"Yes, wifey, "Let go of my hand, please, "But, I feel like holding your hands this night, and that I cannot resist, "What do you want?"

"Since you don't want to see me naked, how about I strip you naked instead? My eyes wants to see your flawless body, wifey," he said darkly.