Chapter 23: Await For My Arrival

She gulped her saliva uncomfortably, "My husband, you should request…., "I adore it when you're nervous, wifey. Of course, I wouldn't want to strip you naked right now," Alexander remarked, smirking, "You can open your eyes," he ordered. Inara was hesitant to open her eyes, but she gave it a try.

Alexander was no longer naked, and she sighed with pleasure, but she caught him staring attentively at her face. He began approaching her but came to a halt in front of her, "Why does your heart beat rapidly?"

"I don't know; it occurs whenever you're too close to me, and sometimes I feel it's going to explode, "Are you sure you're always feeling this way whenever I'm too close to you?" he repeated, searching expecting a sincere answer in her eyes, "Yes," she answered, and he immediately felt his heart thumb hurt. 

He gripped his chest and closed his eyes, attempting to resist the anguish, but he was gradually collapsing to the floor, "Wifey, could you leave here for a minute? I am experiencing some internal...," Alexander backed away in dread and was about to fall when the door burst open, showing Zephyr and Yivanne.

He immediately hurried up to Alexander before he sank finally to the floor, "Alexander, open your eyes," Zephyr demanded, simultaneously, he slowly opens his eyelids, his eyes flash dark, though Yivanne and Inara didn't notice, "Witchhead curse? You are cursed?" Zephyr mumbled; Alexander had lost the power to speak, but he could hear his own words, "An internal pain, I feel it right now; I'm dying, Zephyr," he murmured in his head, and Zephyr shook his head in surprise. He laid him down and walked out of the room in rage.

Inara and Yivanne dashed over to him, Inara crouching down by him, tears streaming down her cheeks as she watched him not say anything to her, "My husband, please talk to me, stop scaring me, please. If you have a query, I suggest asking…, "Wifey?" Inara heard a voice in her head; she was fully familiar with the summon because Gwen had already done the same, "Yes, my husband," she answered, "I apologize, I cannot keep unto the promise I made to you. Can you forgive me just once?" she listened, and when she looked into his eyes, she saw them shaking, begging for forgiveness, "No, I want because, while I understand this was a hoax, it's just too much. Please stop scaring me. Your hoax is too much for me to take, my husband," she sobs equally.


Zephyr appears at the witches' cult, his body brimming with rage; he was there solely to kill the witchhead. He was following her scent because he recognized a witchhead's fragrance. He spotted Gwen in a corner, her wrists and legs heavily tied.

He dashed to her, disregarding her condition, "Lift the curse, witchhead. Please stop him from dying; how could you be so heartless to consider doing that for him? He only asked…, "I didn't do it, I can never be the one to hurt him," Gwen softly touched his face with her witch power.

"I may be a witchhead, but I was not the one to curse him. I could never be the one to hurt my son; my Mother, the former witchhead, cast the curse on her grandchild," Gwen said, "What do you mean he's your son? He does not have…, "I fell in love with the Demon King a long time ago, and my first mating resulted in pregnancy. On my delivery day, my Mother watched my child's birth and was anxious to murder the infant, so I committed the most incomprehensible act...


"Mother, please, it hurts; I don't think I can take it anymore," Gwen shouted out in anguish, clutching Irish's hand and softly caressing her thumb onto hers, "Gwen, you can't give birth to a child who belongs to him. You should allow me to kill the baby…., "Please don't, Mother, help me; I cannot be the one to kill my child," she said.

"If you really wants to be a good Mother, then put to bed yourself, my darling, because I can never be of help," Irish said angrily, standing on her feet, but Gwen grasped her hand again, "Remember, my child is also your grandchild," she said weakly, irritating Irish, and she wrenched her hand away from her, "I don't need a grandchild," Irish said sinisterly before disappearing.

Gwen muttered in bitterness and tried to put herself to bed, but her energy faded as she tried. Was this the curse of carrying a baby for the Demon King?

A maid entered the delivery room in a panic, hurrying over to Gwen, who was bleeding profusely between her thighs, "My lady, can I act as your midwife?" the maid asked, and Gwen shook her head positively in response. The maid wipes the sweat from her forehead with a nakpin and spreads her legs more.

"My lady, push with your strength," the maid said, and Gwen yelled violently in pain, clutching the duvet with trembling and sweaty hands, and the final push resulted in the delivery of the baby, "Oh, my; there's another baby on the way. Please push for the final time, "I can't, I'm tired. Can't I have a little rest?"

"No, "Please remove the baby. I can't press anymore," Gwen sobs; her maid grabs her hand and wipes away her sweat, "You're a Vampire, and I know you've always wanted to see your baby; babies, that is, because you're about to give birth to another. So please make more attempts. Will you press harder, my lady?"

"Yes," Gwen cried wildly, and a baby cry was heard, "My lady, your babies have gorgeous eyes, they're both boys. Do you want to give them a name?" the maid inquired, looking forward to her response.

"Zephyr and Zarek. Aren't those names cute?"

"Of course, my lady, you have always has the most beautiful names to name a baby,"


"I can take care of my baby myself, I gave birth to him, why can't I…, "Shut up! When you let him seduce and impregnate you, you didn't consider the ramifications of your idiotic decision. But I won't allow you to make any more mistakes. That Demon doesn't deserve to have his own child," Irish shireks yelled, carrying the baby. Her palm instantly turned red, and before Gwen could do anything constructive to stop her, she had already impulsed the curse on him.

"No, my Zarek! How could you do this, Mother? You are genuinely who…, "Say anything, and I will not hesitate to murder him sooner. He won't live very long anyway," Irish replied devilishly, walking away with the baby.


"You are Zarek's twin, Zephyr. I apologize for everything I've done to him; I couldn't save you both," Gwen muttered, sobbing profusely. Zephyr stared at her, surprised, "Are we really your children? Why haven't you been there all this time?"

"My Mother prohibited me after she reincarnated me as a witchhead; I can never meet you both or try to aid any of you unless I want Zarek to die sooner. But I can't even keep him from dying; he'll die, Zephyr, and there's nothing I can do. I'm delighted I could finally see you, my child. I hope you live happily with your mate, Yivanne. She's a witch, "Yivanne's a witch?"

"Yes. She has not gotten her powers yet, she will be aware of her actual identity after you mate with her. But I wouldn't want you to press her, "What about Zarek? Doesn't he have a mate?"

"No, but I am delighted he found a wife who stayed with him in his final days. I sincerely apologize for hurting both of them. Promise me that you'll create a solid bond between the two of you. Promise me you would not betray her, "I promise you, Mother," Zephyr said through tears.

"Never let Zarek know about my existence before his death, please my son. I'll forever love you both no matter who you're,"

Zephyr entered the room and encountered Yivanne and Inara, crying bitterly, but he went unnoticed, "When will my husband open his eyes? He has been like this since you left; could you kindly rouse him up, "Inara?"

"Yes, "He's dead, I'm sorry," Zephyr declared, shocking them all, Inara insanely ran over to Alexander and shaked his body frequently, but he wasn't responding, "My husband? Young Master? Please wake up; you cannot die now, and you promised not to leave me alone. Arise, my husband," she cried, angry and in tears.

"I don't believe Young Master is dead while I was beginning to see the reason why he purchased me," she tears bitterly, "I'm sorry, you---Inara?" he yelled wildly as she grabbed a knife, wanting to take it away from her, but it was too late.

Inara drove the knife into her stomach, and she gradually lost consciousness, "My Lady?"

"Inara?" they screamed as blood streamed from her mouth, "Can I say my final goodbye, wifey?" she heard a voice in her head, glanced up at Alexander's lifeless body, and heard the voice again, "Await for my return, I'll be back very soon to taunt you even harder, wifey,"