Serenity,the trouble magnet

"I never gave him my account," she says and that's when Serenity starts hooting.

"I knew it, I knew it. He's obviously in love with you. I mean who won't be? You are really lovable. Even I as a girl am in love with you," she gave her a flirty smile.

"Ok, we need to stop being delusional. He can have anyone he wants and I am a nobody. He surely doesn't like me in that way," she shook her head continuously.

She could never be serious about this. She was so insecure that she could never imagine anyone liking her, let alone someone as successful as him. 

And even if someone took an interest in her then she was sure that they were only feeling lust for her.

Serenity, her best friend, knew about her insecurities and how wrong Heaven was for this.