Serenity's marriage or a disaster?

"You better tell me everything from scratch or heavens save me, I am going to kill him, have his head on a golden platter, and serve it to the hyenas. How could he do something like this?!" Serenity looked so angry that Heaven was afraid that she might have a heart attack at any moment.

"Calm down, I am telling you the whole thing," Heaven said while trying to calm Serenity down. She was fanning her with her hands.

Serenity was biting the insides of her cheeks to calm herself down.

"Think rationally, Serenity. Don't do something that won't be good for everyone," she said to herself.

Heaven told her the whole thing.

"Tell me that you didn't agree with him. I am going to hit you with a bamboo stick if you say yes. I raised you better than this!"

"I obviously didn't say yes. How bad do you think I am? I am not going to give him my heart again so that he can destroy it," Heaven said and Serenity was relieved but she rolled her eyes.