Plane Development Plan

As Brother Chen's defiant laughter echoed through the battered ship, a wave of relief swept over the exhausted crew, mingled with exhaustion and resignation. Captain Rhea, her weariness palpable, let out a weary sigh. Her gaze first sought out Sister Ye, the woman who had lent them her aid in their time of need, offering a silent thanks before turning her attention to the huge desolate planet looming ahead.

With a bone-jarring impact, the ship crashed into the barren surface of the desolate planet, its hull groaning under the strain. Inside, the crew braced themselves against the violent jolts, their weary bodies battered but miraculously intact.

Once the dust settled and the echoes of the crash faded, Captain Rhea surveyed the wreckage of their ship. Despite the devastation, a glimmer of hope flickered within her heart. They had survived the onslaught of the Nightmare God and the chaos of battle, emerging battered but alive in this desolate world.

With the ship now safely landed on the desolate planet's surface, the remaining crew members wasted no time in springing into action. They swiftly deployed their exploration equipment, including drones and intact exploration devices, and other magical methods like spells or individual professional talents to assess the conditions of their new surroundings.

The drones whirred to life, their sensors scanning the barren landscape as they charted the terrain and gathered vital data. Meanwhile, the exploration devices provided real-time feedback on atmospheric conditions, gravitational forces, and any potential hazards that might pose a threat to their survival.

As the crew busied themselves with deploying exploration equipment and assessing the conditions of the planet's surface, Captain Rhea, Brother Chen, and Sister Ye tapped into their consciousness to explore.

With the power of a demi-god, Captain Rhea's consciousness extended outward, spanning a radius of tens of thousands of kilometers. She meticulously scanned the landscape, probing for any signs of potential resources or threats that might lie hidden amidst the desolation.

Meanwhile, Brother Chen and Sister Ye, wielding the strength of True Gods, possessed even greater reach and sensitivity. Their consciousness effortlessly traversed hundreds of thousands of kilometers, delving deep into the mysteries of the planet's surface with unparalleled clarity and precision.

After initial exploration, Brother Chen approached Sister Ye, and a sense of solemnity hung in the air. "Sister," he began, his tone serious, "this planet lacks the necessary resources to sustain our remaining crew members for an extended period of time. It's unlikely that we can rely on it as a long-term solution. Given the uncertainty of how long it might take for the alliance to locate us, we need to consider our next steps carefully."

"You're aware," Brother Chen continued, his tone grave, "that without the replenishment of reiki or other extraordinary factors, it will be challenging for high-level crew members to recover their strength or maintain their current realms. Their abilities may degrade over time."

Sister Ye nodded, her expression reflecting the understanding of the gravity of the situation. "Indeed," she replied, "we cannot afford to remain here indefinitely without risking the deterioration of our strength and capabilities."

As Brother Chen and Sister Ye discussed the pressing matter at hand, Captain Rhea approached them, accompanied by a group of crew members. As they drew near, the crew members respectfully knelt down on one knee, their faces reflecting a mixture of respect and awe towards the two official War Lords.

Captain Rhea, her demeanor commanding yet filled with humility, joined her crew in kneeling before Brother Chen and Sister Ye. With a heartfelt expression, she conveyed her gratitude and reverence, trusting in their wisdom and strength to guide them through the challenges that lay ahead.

Observing the respectful gesture of the crew, Brother Chen and Sister Ye acknowledged the crew's gesture with a nod of their heads. Sister Ye raised her hand, and a gentle breeze began to swirl around them, gradually lifting the crew members, including Captain Rhea, to stand.

With a serene expression, Sister Ye turned her gaze to the remaining crew. Among them were three Heroes, including Captain Rhea, followed by 17 professionals with strengths ranging from Tier-7 to Tier-8. The rest of the crew comprised over 200 remaining low-level and mid-level alchemy creatures, utilized as guards and soldiers in battle.

Sister Ye gestured, and the remaining crew dispersed, leaving only Captain Rhea standing before her. The two War Lords faced each other, their gazes locking in a silent exchange of understanding. 

"Your Excellency," Captain Rhea began, her voice steady despite the weight of the moment, "what is our next course of action?"

With a serene demeanor, Sister Ye began to speak, her voice carrying an air of wisdom and authority. "Captain Rhea," she began, "according to Brother Chen, there is no immediate threat of the Nightmare God following us. However, from my own exploration, it is evident that this Solar System is devoid of reiki or other extraordinary factors, indicating it's still in the infancy stage."

"We are far from the Eternal God Tree, and both Brother Chen and I have lost connection with our main bodies and the Divine Domains. Without the battleship's warp drives and sufficient fuel, leaving this planet is not feasible."

Sister Ye's words hung in the air, "Based on our estimates," she continued, "it could take several years of the God Realm for the Astro Crop Alliance to send someone to pick us. Translated to the time scale of this desolate planet, it could equate to more than five to six hundred years."

"We are the first to discover this giant planet," Sister Ye continued, her voice resonating with determination. "This is comparable to the Large Planes near the God Realm, housing over a hundred billion living creatures, including various intelligent species such as humans, barbarians, orcs, and fishmen, this planet possesses the immense potential to generate faith power, sustaining hundreds of indigenous Gods and Demi-Gods."

Turning her attention to the brother Chen and Caption Rhea, Sister Ye outlined her ambitious vision. "Therefore, I propose we initiate the Plane Development Plan to unlock the full potential of this planet. Through careful cultivation and development, we can harness the inherent faith power of its inhabitants."