Divine Spirit Tree Seed

Brother Chen nodded in agreement with Sister Ye's proposal, acknowledging the reality of their situation. "Indeed, without the necessary technicians, repairing the jump drives is beyond our capabilities. We must accept that we are stranded here for the foreseeable future. However, let us not view this as a setback, but rather an opportunity to make the most of our circumstances."

Turning his attention back to Sister Ye, Brother Chen posed a question, "But how do you propose we proceed with this Plane Development Plan? We lost connection with the Eternal God Tree and can't transmit enough resources."

Meanwhile, Captain Rhea listened intently to the discussion between the two official War Lords, refraining from interjecting. Despite being only a Demi-God and not even an apprentice War God, she recognized the potential opportunities that lay before her. As she silently observed, a determination welled up within her.

"Even if all the meat was eaten by these bigwigs," she thought to herself, "the remaining soup left behind by them is enough for me to improve my strength. Perhaps there's a chance for me to become their subordinate in the future if I perform well."

As Sister Ye heard Brother Chen's question, a smile graced her lips. With a subtle gesture, a small seed appeared in her hand. As the seed materialized, transformative energy radiated from its core, infusing the surrounding air with vitality and life. 

With the seed as its epicenter, lush grass and vibrant vines began to sprout from the barren soil, their growth accelerating with each passing moment. In a matter of seconds, the desolate landscape was transformed into a paradise, as waves of greenery cascaded across the once barren terrain.

Within moments, kilometers of desolate land had been revitalized, replaced by a vibrant tapestry of green. The crew watched in awe as the miraculous growth unfolded before them, the speed of the transformation increasing with each passing moment. The vast expanse of desolation was gradually replaced by a thriving ecosystem, teeming with life and vitality.

As the greenery continued to spread, Sister Ye's smile widened, her eyes shining with satisfaction. "How?" she mused, with a gentle gesture, she held up the seed in her hands. "Is this enough?"

As Brother Chen and Captain Rhea observed the seed in Sister Ye's hand, a sense of recognition washed over them. They knew immediately what it was: a Seed of the Divine Spirit Tree, created from the trace origin of the Eternal God Tree itself.

In ancient times, their ancestors had utilized these Divine seeds as a powerful tool in the initial stages of developing the God Realm, using them to conquer other planets and star systems. These seeds contained powers and abilities similar to the Eternal God Tree, making them invaluable assets in shaping the destiny of entire worlds.

As time passed and the strength of the Eternal God Tree and the War Gods grew, a shift occurred in their approach to plane development. Faced with the allure of greater power and resources, they became increasingly aggressive, resorting to plundering the plane's origin and exploiting its indigenous people and resources.

In contrast to the slow and deliberate process of using the Seeds of the Divine Spirit Tree, this new approach prioritized speed and efficiency, allowing them to rapidly expand their influence and consolidate their power.

As Brother Chen and Captain Rhea nodded in understanding of Sister Ye's plan, she spoke slowly and deliberately, her voice carrying a sense of conviction. "My path to evolution to God level differs from that of other War Gods," she began. "While they rely on plundering and aggression to achieve their goals, my approach is different, albeit slower."

With a calm demeanor, Sister Ye explained her philosophy. "While the allure of power and quick gains may be tempting, I believe in a more sustainable and harmonious approach to growth. By nurturing the seeds of the Divine Spirit Tree without resorting to aggression and exploitation, moreover, once the Divine Spirit Tree grows to a certain level it can directly contact the Eternal God Tree."

She paused, allowing her words to sink in before continuing. "Though this path may be slower and more challenging, I believe it is ultimately more sustainable and fulfilling."

With a nod of understanding, Brother Chen offered his support to Sister Ye. "Do as you see fit," he spoke, his tone resolute. "I will remain by Miss Lena's side, guarding her. Should you require my assistance, do not hesitate to call upon me." With those words, he turned his attention to his duty, and his body disappeared before their eyes as he entered the central area of the battleship where they stayed before. 

Miss Lisa, the daughter of the Alliance President, it was upon his request that he and sister Ye accepted this mission to send the injured Lisa back to Alliance Headquarters for treatment. Recognizing the gravity of the task, they each condensed clones to protect her, but what they didn't expect was to be intercepted on their way back by a Nightmare God. Brother Chen felt that he really should appreciate the foresight ability of the president, if not for him asking them to send their clones, today would have been a different story. 

As Sister Ye infused the seed with her divine power and Life Energy. With each passing moment, the seed absorbed the energies imbued within it, swelling with vitality until it reached its saturation point.

With a determined focus, Sister Ye guided the seed into the ground, where it effortlessly penetrated the rocky terrain, unhindered by obstacles. Deep within the planet, it found its resting place, and with a burst of life, the seed sprouted forth, bursting through the soil with renewed vigor and began to grow at an astonishing rate. Empowered by the divine power and life force it had absorbed.


The speed of growth was astonishing, surpassing any natural phenomenon witnessed before. It seemed as though time itself had been accelerated to millions of times its normal pace. With each passing moment, the Divine Spirit Tree shot upwards, its tender shoots reaching toward the sky.

Within mere minutes, the seed's journey through the depths of the earth culminated in a miraculous display of growth. Emerging from the soil, it transformed into a small seedling, its delicate form basking in the sunlight above.

But this was just the beginning.