
In the Year 436 AR, Underground City 'C-71'

"This marks your final awakening ritual. Failure means you have to pay for your awakening ritual next time, or even embrace an ordinary life, away from the dangers that lie beyond. While it may seem regrettable, it also ensures safety from many dangers." The instructor overseeing the Awakening Ritual approaches with solemnity as he speaks, fully aware of the weight of the moment. Outside the playground, anxious parents wait with bated breath, their hopes and fears palpable in the air.

In accordance with Dwan Federation regulations, each student is entitled to three free awakening opportunities before their graduation, it is said that you can also awaken after your first three failures, but the probability of awakening is not high compared with the first three tries. Today, at the No. 1 Affiliated High School in Underground City 'C-71', excitement fills the air as students gather for their annual ceremony. On the playground, rows of graduating boys and girls stand, their faces a mix of nerves and hope.

Among the gathered parents, there are two young men, aged between 22 and 23, dressed casually yet their expressions serious. Their attention is fixed on a certain girl amidst the crowd of students participating in the awakening ritual.

"What are your thoughts, Brother Ram? Do you think will little Lisa manage to awaken her Profession and become a Professional?" The handsome young man in a light blue outfit, sporting black spectacles and stylish short blue hair called Liam, inquired of his companion dressed in a black leather jacket beside him.

"She ought to, considering when my father and I checked before, she already exhibited some responses to exposure to Spiritual Power," replied Ram confidently.

"Let's hope so. This should be her third attempt at awakening. I shouldn't think she'll be as unlucky as you, Brother Ram," the young man remarked with a hint of teasing, his tone lightening the tension momentarily.

When Ram heard the remark, he didn't react with anger, but instead, he sighed resignedly. He had grown accustomed to such banter. Turning 23 this year, Ram had exhausted his three free chances of awakening before reaching 18. Later with his relentless efforts, he tried various methods such as experimenting with Gene Potions, using various Spiritual Fruits, and other unconventional methods to awaken but nothing worked for him.

Despite the societal pressure in a world where being ordinary was scorned, Ram had spent five years reshaping his mindset, strengthening his resolve in the face of ridicule. However, his resilience didn't stem solely from his ability to remain indifferent to the ridicule but an Attribute Panel or a MOD he developed in his last life. Yes, he found himself reborn as an infant in this world known as Blue Star after his sudden death on Earth in his sleep.

Unlike Earth, Blue Star operated on a different paradigm. Here, humans weren't bound by the constraints of ordinary existence. They possessed the ability to tap into latent potential, harnessing the various forces like Reiki to awaken abilities that transcended the mundane. Boundaries between the possible and the unimaginable blurred, granting them the power to manipulate elements, surpass physical limitations, and reshape the world itself.

As he glanced at his left hand and slightly concentrated on checking his information, a light curtain materialized in front of him, resembling a holographic interface displaying his personal data, visible only to him commonly referred to 'Golden Finger' that all travelers have. Not just his own data, this is one of the functions of his Golden Finger he found which can materialize digital data of all the things he wanted to check, whether it is human, monster, or other things. However, the amount of data shown varies according to strength difference and other variables.

[ Name: Ram Age: 22/ 93]

[ Profession: Un-awakened]

[ Health: 100/100 (Current Health/Max Health)]

[ Physique 0.99]

[ Spirit 2.44]

[ Skills: Recovery Lv-9]

[ Talent: None] 

From what he learned through the Blue Star Network, he understood that this Attribute Panel is similar to those possessed by awakened professionals, yet it was fundamentally distinct.


What is Awakening and Professionals? Awakening and Professionals may not be unfamiliar concepts to some of you, but for those who are new to this, let me explain.

Awakening refers to the different processes by which individuals gain the ability to Evolve further through exposure to Highly concentrated Reiki or drinking the water filled with energy collected from Geo- Spiritual pools, Reiki is an extraordinary energy that emerged 400 years ago followed by a new era filled with darkness, conflicts, deaths and current peace. Successfully awakening enables individuals to activate their own gene chain, transforming them into magical gene warriors referred to as Professionals, possessing abilities beyond the ordinary.

Now, it's Year 436 AR (After reiki) similar to BC and AD on Earth. The Reiki revival brought unprecedented catastrophe to unprepared mankind, plants and animals mutated. Followed by humans awakening their individual talents one after another, and nearly four centuries of global turmoil and extinction crises, completely rewriting the fate of all mankind and the direction of civilization.

Human beings have long adapted to the existence of reiki and have made use of the unique resources produced to promote the rapid development of science and technology and greatly increase productivity. However, the greatest impact on humanity is the supernatural abilities from the awakening. Their abilities vary, such as lighting control, power enhancement, body changes, stealth leaps, etc., are just the most common abilities, and there are many magical and weird abilities, the farther you go on the path of life evolution, the stronger the abilities, and even the lifespan will increase!

Every successful awakener will possess both a natural talent and a main profession tailored to their abilities, granting them a significant increase in power. These main professions cannot be changed unless precious resources are used to change, or they advance into a stronger profession related to their main one. However, professionals with weaker main professions can supplement their abilities by adding deputy professions, though these won't provide an additional power boost akin to their main profession.

In this world, out of every 100 individuals, only 30% have the potential to become Professionals. 

But, among this 30%, only three to four out of ten individuals possess professions with combat abilities. However, with the introduction of the Soul Resonance Instrument, the percentage of awakened individuals increased from the initial 30% to over 50% out of a hundred. Despite the heightened odds of awakening, he found himself to be one of the unlucky few. He also felt that this might be related to the Attribute Panel, for the failure of his awakening.