
Ram scanned the entire playground, on the original 8,000 participants, less than 3,000 remained, still struggling to stand within the concentrated Reiki-filled area, while the majority had successfully awakened. Upon the heads of these awakened individuals, illusory illustrations formed from spiritual power, a sight that filled him with envy as he observed from the sidelines.

In his previous life, it was very common for the parents, grandparents, and six people of ordinary families to pool money to buy a house for their children. In the world after Ram traveled through, the family's thoughts for the younger generation were as always. It's just that the money they bought was no longer a house, resources to help them evolve faster. Likewise, he hopes for his sister to successfully awaken her Profession as she was still struggling.

The process of Awakening is often described as both straightforward and difficult. To awaken, one must be infused with pure Reiki, a task achieved by administering a droplet of spiritual essence drawn from Geo-Spiritual pools. These pools are made up of highly concentrated, active energy, believed by some scientists to be a fusion of Reiki and the core energy of the Blue Star.

In the beginning, these energy pools were exceedingly scarce. However, as technology progressed, humans discovered diverse methods for harnessing pure Reiki. Among these methods are cultivating Spiritual Plants, extracting the Spiritual Power from high-level monsters using advance equipment, and concocting various Genetic potions.

As time ticked by, the Reiki surrounding Lisa seemed to stir, as if responding to something extraordinary. Multiple beast illustrations manifested around her, signaling her successful awakening. Legend has it that awakening is a gift bestowed upon humans by the Divine Spirit Tree, which emerged 400 years ago as the origin of all extraordinary professions. With the aid of the Divine Spirit Tree, those who successfully awaken will cultivate a Professional Seed within their Soul Sea, where spiritual consciousness resides. The awakened professional perceives this seed as a professional panel, easily comprehensible to the masses.

After taking a few moments to steady her breath and register her details with the head teacher, Lisa sprinted towards them, her face radiating happiness. As she approached, her eyes sparkled with excitement and a wide smile spread across her face. "Brother, I did it!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with triumph.

Ram's heart swelled with pride as he returned Lisa's bright smile. "I knew you could do it!" he exclaimed, reaching out to affectionately rub her head. "Congratulations, little Lisa. I'm so happy for you." 

He also directed his focus towards her, examining her attributes, and observed some changes in her panel since awakening. A new profession had emerged, and he discerned slight enhancements in both her physique and spirit. Physique had increased by 0.17 points compared to before, while spirit had risen by 0.5 points, successfully surpassing the bottleneck of ordinary people into Tier-1 awakeners.

[ Name: Lisa, Age: 18/102]

[ Race: Human]

[ Profession: Tier -1 Beastmaster]

[ Physique 0.73]

[ Spirit 1.31]

[ Talent: ????] 

Liam, on the other side, was equally delighted and asked with genuine interest, "Hey there, little girl, what profession did you awaken?"

Lisa pouted slightly upon hearing him refer to her as "little girl" and responded with a hint of annoyance, "I'm not a little girl anymore, I'm an adult now."

When Ram and Liam heard her words, they both laughed happily, their laughter echoing with the joy of the moment. "Alright, don't be mad at Brother Liam," Ram said, gently soothing Lisa. "After all, he's helped you a lot before. Come on, tell us about your new profession. I'll treat you to lunch, and you can order your favorite food." Even though he was already known through the attribute panel, he still inquired, simply to indulge her eagerness to show off in front of them both.

It had been like this between them since childhood, always teasing and occasionally bickering. Lisa's expression softened at Ram's comforting words. She nodded, the anger dissipating as she felt his genuine care. "Okay, fine. I forgive him," she said, giving Liam a playful glare before turning back to Ram. "My new profession is a Beast Master!" she exclaimed; her excitement evident in her voice.

As Ram listened, a smile spread across his face. "A Beast Master, huh? That's amazing, Lisa!" he exclaimed, genuinely impressed. "So, you'll be able to control monsters? Do you have any ideas for what your first pet will be?"

The Beast Master profession is regarded as a Rare Profession. Professions are categorized into four distinct qualities: Ordinary, Rare, Hero, and Lord. The quality of a profession determines the strength of its attribute bonuses and skill sets. The higher the quality, the more potent the bonuses and skills associated with it.

However, it's important to note that these professions are not identical to the Hero and War Lord professions of the Eternal God Tree. While the Divine Spirit Tree shares a trace origin with the Eternal God Tree, allowing it to have similar abilities. The potential of Hero and Lord professions is significantly distant from that of the Eternal God Tree, existing on a completely different dimension altogether.

Unlike the Monster Summoner, who can summon random creatures or elements from various sub-spaces, a Beast Master possesses a unique ability: they receive feedback every time their pets evolve, which in turn contributes to improving their own growth and strength. This feedback mechanism enables Beast Masters to establish a deep bond with their pets, nurturing them into formidable allies over time. This aspect sets them apart from other professions, as they don't merely summon creatures but actively participate in their development and evolution through continuous feedback and interaction.

"My head teacher warned me not to choose hastily," Lisa explained, her tone thoughtful. "He mentioned that with my talent and rare quality profession, many top universities will offer me admission and provide me with high-level pets."

Ram nodded in agreement with Lisa's head teacher's advice. He understood that as Beast Masters have restrictions on the number of monsters they can accept as pets, choosing high-level pets with good potential would be crucial for their future growth.

"Well then, let me inform father and mother about your awakening first, and then we'll go have lunch," Ram suggested, a smile playing on his lips. "What kind of food are you in the mood for?"

"Sure! I want Fire Chicken wings and grilled Chicken Thies," Lisa replied eagerly, her stomach already rumbling in anticipation.

"Haha, you sure love Fire Chicken more than anything else," Liam chuckled from the sidelines, amused by Lisa's choice. Meanwhile, Ram quickly sent a message to his parents through his Sky Drive and began searching for nearby restaurants that served Lisa's favorite dishes.

Ram selected a nearby restaurant and drove them there. While the restaurant wasn't overly fancy, the online reviews spoke highly of its delicious food. They ordered a variety of dishes and settled into a private room to celebrate Lisa's awakening.

Their family consisted of only five members: both parents, grandfather, Lisa, and Ram. Despite not being extravagantly wealthy, they were comfortably well-off. They belonged to a prestigious lineage, tracing back to an ancestor who possessed a Hero Profession, adding a sense of honor and distinction to their family heritage.

While Liam is a childhood friend of Ram. Both Liam's father and his father are leaders of a third-class Mercenary Group, commanding over 300 members, most of whom are awakeners. His grandfather, a retired soldier, had bravely fought against the monster tides and other races on the front lines for over 40 years, his mother, on the other hand, was an awakener with a Life Profession.